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Regrettably, I added a blue spotted jaw fish to my tank without QT. I lost several fish that I had for years. A potters angel, another blue spot and a swissgard basslet. I have moved the surviving fish to QT and started formalin dips every other day. Please take a look at the images below and let me know your thoughts. The wrasse shows no symptoms, but the female clown is in pretty bad shape. Should I does something for secondary bacteria infection? Having trouble loading images. Hang on.

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Id say that looks like Brooklynella hostilis. Perhaps amyloodinium. I doubt a secondary bacterial infection from the looks, but possible. Keep up the formalin dips. If it is either of the previous two, it'll be the harshest, but best hope.
Sorry for your loss!
QT is a pain to keep running but so worth it when I hear these sad posts.
SEA Atlanta;1055822 wrote: Id say that looks like Brooklynella hostilis. Perhaps amyloodinium. I doubt a secondary bacterial infection from the looks, but possible. Keep up the formalin dips. If it is either of the previous two, it'll be the harshest, but best hope.

I concur. It's late in the season for it, but it's not unusual for Jawfish to carry it, and share it. :(


I would rather see you do a full Formalin treatment in a QT versus the dips, because it's more thorough.

Did I mention treat every fish you have? Some will host it and never show symptoms and reinfest others when they are reintroduced to the tank. Not to mention, it won't die off in the tank if there's a host for it.

I'd bet it's Brooklynella too, but I concur with SEA that hit could be Amyloodinium too - and I agree that both are a major PITA to get rid of, and they usually leave a trail of bodies in their wake.

Unfortunate for sure.

It seems to be unresponsive thus far. Any recommendations. Can I dip sooner than every other day and can you dip while in hypo?

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Does formalin work against oodinium?

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They don't seem to be getting any better, but they're still eating, which is good, I guess. I'm currently using TTM, formalin, and hypo. Would prazipro help?

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I wouldn't dip - I'd treat in QT so they stay in Formalin at the proper concentration.

Ok. That's what I did. Can I couple treatment with dips? Brook or oodinium?

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I don't think I would. Too stressful. Keep a close eye on water quality, make sure you have no carbon in the filter (it removes the medicine). Feed them well if they are still eating and that's about all you can do.

And again - treat ALL your fishes and leave the display fishless for at least 4 weeks.

Sucks... but that's how it goes.

Yep. Nothing in the display. Is 4 week enough. I read 72 days.

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man, sorry to hear that. I think the same happened to me early this year when I added a tang without QT. It killed a lot of my collection fishes that I kept for years. After that I am still afraid of adding a new fish in tank. Hope everything goes well with the treatment.
So many differing opinions about X days... I'd say min. 4 weeks. If you prefer more, that's fine too, better to err on the side of caution, IMO.
