Display Refugium


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Does anyone have a display refugium? If so, please post pics.

I'm curious how folks keep them looking nice.

Also, what kind of macro algae and livestock do you keep in it?
i have seen one before and the only inhabitant was an eel. It was really cool looking and i thought of doing one myself.

In my fuge I have a DSB, LR rubble , grape calurpa, suction cup calurpa and the best thing to have is cheato. Like i said I have a dsb but i heard its contradicting to have a DSB in a fuge?
I've been thinking of setting one up. I think if you used turbo snails and maybe a tang to keep the hair algae down, it shouldn't get too bad. As far as algae, I would use Caulerpa sertularioides, Caulerpa racemosa, </em>shaving brushes, and maybe Halimeda.</em>

I would like to have seahorses in mine :)
If and when I complete my sump/fuge the fuge will be set up like a DT. I will definetly asking for assistance with the fuge setup.
I am forced into this do to space.
Perhaps I can post pics of my fuge once its up and running, so far its a moded 10 gallon tank, with one small end busted out to be the new top, and one piece of glass added across the old top to form a new side. In otherwords, it's a 10 gallon up on one end. I had holes drilled, and got the bulkheads set, (no leaks! Yay!) It's the same thickness of my display tank but 4 inches taller than my display tank, with the bulkheads positioned where they will syphon/dump into the display tank with the refugium just sitting beside the display tank. All I need to do is install baffles, and get a stand for it.
ALL the macros mentioned in this thread are the typical ones used,only to add mangrovesto the list and a DSB is (from what I've read) pretty standard in a refugium,

DOES ANYONE know a good source for Halimeda? I cant find it ANYWHERE but its the main macro I want! think I'll post that question in "Want To Buy"

I'll post pics when its up and running
IMHO, putting a tang or fish or anything that could eat the things you are trying to cutivate in a fuge is counter productive...

As far as a DSB in a fuge, I think it is the best place for it... Especially if you do not have one in your display tank!
I plan on baffling my fuge in a way that all macros will be seperate from LR/Livestock, but yes, Brandon is right, that would be the last thing you'd want to do. I entertained the idea of turning the fuge into a seahorse tank, but don't think I have the time or space for them.
Keeping a fuge clean enough to be presentable seems a little counter productive. Course a nice plant tank plumbed inline with another tank might be nice.
I have a refugium on my tank that is easily viewable. I don't think I would call it a "display refugium" yet but it may be worthy one day.

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My sump is plumbed in on the other side of the wall from my tank. I also have my refugium on the same stand as my sump. This arrangement makes it easy to look at.

I have a few snails in here to keep the algae growth in check. The ceriths help to keep the sand bed cleaner and the trochus seem to prefer munching on the live rock. I use a magnet cleaner on the front glass every week or so.
I bought a huge fuge/sump from Brian with several types of marcos and a DSB. It's definitely not a display fuge, but once i get it hooked up to my system (once I fugre out how to) it will add some excellent filtration, pod production and nitrate removing! I'll take some pictures and post them up Loren when I get a chance. I am going to run a 70W HQI over it that I got from Brian also. Might even use it to grow some frags out!