Diving back in


New Member
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Johns Creek
Hey guys, just got approval from the boss to get back into reefing, after 2 years and having to get rid of my old tank because of a move. I decided to go with a planet aquarium 48x24x21 reef cyrstaline premium tank as the only real estate in the house for a tank is a 4' plus nook, better than nothing. I think im going to go with a bare bottom tank on a closed loop. I hear closed loops arent as popular as they once were but I have always wanted to try one of those oceans motions flow diverter. It will be powered with a neptune cor 20 pump for the closed loop and for the return pump will be a cor 15. Since the tank from planet aquariums is rimless I wanted to try to have no cords in the tank and the closed loop allows me to get the flow without the cords. For the sump I just saw the best sump design perhaps ever. It is a new design from trigger systems sump manufacturers. It believe it is fairly new on the market. They have made there own filter roller system that is design for there new platnum series sumps. For those of you familar with the clarisea filter roller systems (which are very nice) the only down side is the roller media gets used up on average in about 2 months depending on bioload. I mean 2 months beats the filter socks ( i know im lazy) but at trigger systems they say there rolllers can last 6 months on average because they are much wider the clarisea and have more surface area. Im not sure how much they cost or if they are even available for purchase but they are a game changer for clear polished water and waste removal before it can break down. Anyway if you want to check it out ill put a link.
I just put in a order for the tank through pure reef (LFS) in alpharetta, very impressed with Jorge and the store he has there. Hopefully I'll be getting word soon on when it will be arriving. Super excited.
happy reefing.
glad to have ya! Me and the kiddo are setting up his planet aq tank now! :O)
Welcome back, sounds like a nice setup and sumps sure have come a long way over the years

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