Diy 130 gallon tank


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I found a glass showcase on craigslist and after adding the given dimensions I decided to jump on it. I have torn it down and I am removing the old sealant now. Soon to be a 130 rimless aquarium!
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Dimensions are 24 by 24 by 53.25.
11 mm glass.

I would highly recommend you rethink this. But if you go forward with it, video it.
I did the research and the math and 11mm with a center brace should work out. The brace will be made out of an old glass table top I had.... Is there something I am overlooking with this build that would make it unstable? Better safe than sorry..... Oh and I am also using right angle clamps in the corners on top and bottom as well a a weight based clamp to firmly press the edges and sealed with silicone... so far there hasnt been any air bubbles between the glass seams. But if I have overlooked something please let me know before I make a mess. lol
Ok. I did the safety factor chart. Correct me if im wrong but the safety factor im assuming means how much force per square in the glass can withstand? If so at im looking at one foot of elevation being 0.43 and at the highest point 2 feet would be roughly 0.86 pounds per square inch. with the longest sides at a rating of 3.2 and the short sides 6.4 that should be stable enough as long as its not bounced around. These are without a brace... With my intentions being to put braces on the tank it should be a lot more stable correct?

Also should I go with one 6 inch wide brace at the center top; or 2 3 inch braces at the quarter and three quarters mark?
Don't tank manufacturers leave space for the silicone between the panes? If you compress the joint, you are effectively squeezing all of the adhesive out of the joint: I think...
Every time I have ever taken a smaller tank apart whether it be from it breaking, or because I'm making a corner tank, or whatever the reason may be; There is almost always barely enough room if any for a razorblade between the panels. And I read a thread the other day where someone on here was trying to remove a random piece of glass on a panel. There was a comment about silicon adhesive being pressed down to 1 micron and still being effective. I kinda went on the principle of, the more space left between the panels edges the more force being applied directly to the seam. Which in short means a better chance for the water to push the silicone off the panel. But so far every tank I've built has held up nicley. In 10 years I've built them I've only had 1 tank not hold water and that was due to the floor under the stand not being level. It was a rookie or "newbie" mistake on my part. Lol
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alt="" /> This photo is yesterday's progress.

alt="" /> up and at it bright and early. I will be bracing it with support braces probably around 4 or 5 this evening. Water test scheduled to take place tomorrow after 6!!!!
Allen;989114 wrote: The optimum silicone joint gap is 1/16".

If you build it correctly, the sides and front and rear should be fine.

You REALLY want to run a thicker glass on the bottom. At 11mm, your bottom pane safety factor is 1.75.

Can it be done? Yes. Should it be done. No.

The minimum bottom pane on this tank should be at least 16mm thick. You need to run a closed-cell foam mat underneath, as well.

Allen;989119 wrote: In addition to what I have already said, you need to give the silicone at least a week or more to cure before doing a water test.
Awesome. I was planning the foam mat, and i am going to get another thicker panel for the bottom panel. Great information! Thanks

barry_keith;989118 wrote: Kstyles?
? Lost me here...
What does the safety factor represent? Cam some one explain? I have seen it in calculators but with no explanation. Thanks!
I think is how much pounds of pressure per square inch the glass can withstand.... but I'm not sure. Someone else please correct me if I am wrong.
And honestly the euro brace didn't even cross my mind. I think I may just do that. It adds a nice touch imo
Those are for rimless. Subscribe to Uarujoey on YouTube. He builds rimless tanks all the time using spare glass and so on. That chart is one of his many calculators on his site:
a>. He has video proof to back his information.