DIY extreme...octopus style.


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Well I did some more DIY'ing to my's now a wanna be Octopus Extreme 200. Got the Sicce pump, and went to town. The internal cup that the bubble plate is on is a little too high...but it works great (thanks again Schris) The pumps is pulling roughly 38SCFH!! Not bad from the 22 I was getting from the stock pump with modded venturi. It's ugly as hell, but it's in a sump and made to collect poop, so I could care less about the cosmetics. I re did the mesh on the wheel because it was a shotty job from the company I bought it from. Anywho, here are some pics of the rebuild.

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Thats a nice little DIY Id really like to see what it pulls out of the tank and compair it to before you did the new addition.
Yeah me too. Going to have to go through a break in phase I think...since all the new glue and acrylic...we'll see though.
How long does it usually take a skimmer to break in? a week?
Very cool! That internal bubble cup is even awesomer- whoever gave you that must be even awesomerer! :)

Serious- very nice!
Lol, thanks Chris....I noticed there was a typo and threw and S in front of your name....go ahead and fix that if you don't mind...please. Yeah it'll take about a week to break in....hopefully less though. I already had 1 causality to the new pump. I was looking at it and saw something flailing around inside the bubble trap....stupid peppermint shrimp. Oh well, "that'll learns em."
wow, those are some awesome acrylic skills...I didn't know you were so talented :D
Bah, pure can only do so much with a dremel and a not so steady hand.
Super great idea. So are you just keeping a temporary tank right now?
Thanks guys. Sorry Trin, I don't. It looks very similar to the extremes however. I just have a different fitting connecting it to the skimmer body. It's all still hooked up to my large tank...No bites on it have gone through...which actually doesn't bother me at all, I love the tank and it's I think I may take it off the sale block for now.
Here are some more pics...little better too. I was pleasantly surprised to see some throfty goodness in the neck this morning...looks like the break in period will be less than I thought :)

Full pic in sump:

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Pump connection - just a 3/4" slip to thread, screwed right into the out port on the pump:

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And some more bubbles....and a closer shot of my hole fixes from the recirc that was previously on:

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Wow look at all those bubbles! It's like whole milk in there :). These pumps kick ***.