DIY Food Blending!


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Over the past two years I have bought a lot of pellet type foods, freeze dried foods and frozen foods that I no longer use. I was thinking of throwing it all in a food processor/blender and then freezing it all in a sheet that I could break off pieces, thaw and feed to the tanks.

Has anyone done this? Does anyone see anything wrong with this plan? Should I add garlic, vitamins or selcon to the mix? The foods I would be mixing together are frozen silversides, raw shrimp, and krill, freeze-dried jumbo krill, Topfin shrimp pellets, and Tetramin Marine pellets.
I was actually thinking about doing this with a cookie sheet and spreading it into the little squares of a sheet of eggcrate. Then breaking it apart when frozen, and storing it in a bag.
There is a great old thread on here somewhere that has a great recipe Bud. I am pretty sure it was Barbara.

I have often wanted to do this myself.

More fun with smilies


Spank me!
I think this was it.
