DIY High Precision Dual Stage CO2 Regulator Build


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So after some reading, I decided to spend a lil extra to build a nice lab grade dual stage regulator for my CaRx. This makes tuning the bubble count much much more precise so that depending on the pH controller is greatly minimized. It also has the benefit of no fear of the dreaded tank dump you typically get with a single stage cheapy regulator most use. This can melt your media to mush and has been a common tank crash cause for many a reef keeper.. the regulator and solenoid are all lab grade equipment and purchase for a fraction of the new cost as surplus medical equipment on eBay. It involved buying all new fittings and the solenoid. Total build cost was probably around $200.

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I have been having a ton of issues with my regulator and was debating about buying a new one but this seems interesting. Can you share where you bought the parts and how you put it all together?

I am going to have to refer you to the thread I followed. Will be much easier for you :)"></a>

When it comes to buy fittings, you can save yourself some time/effort by going to the swagelock distributor in Alpharetta. You can just walk in with a list of stuff you need and you will get it for a pretty reasonable price. Some of those parts are hard to find, and people ask a lot for them even on Ebay.

The trickiest and most expensive parts are the needle valve and the Burkert Solenoid. I probably dropped $125 just for those two parts alone.
Ricky5415;1117682 wrote: I love a good diy Kurt
Let us how consistent and precise it is man

Supposedly you can dial it all the way down to 2 bpm....i have not tried it yet but based on how high precision the valve "feels", I would bet its extremely easy to dial in. For some, just replacing that part by itself would be a nice improvement.