DIY Injuries


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I think we need a DIY Injuries thread so let me start it off. I was building a stand for a tank last weekend when I got in a little bit of a hurry. I decided to remove a small piece of excess wood trim from the miter saw before the blade stopped.:boo: Well... now i can tell you what bone looks like first hand. ha ha I made a funny.:thumbs: What is your story?

Jeff M.
I feel your pain! When I was building my stand I was using a finish nailer. I felt a pinch, and thought I had pinched my finger in between two pieces of wood. When I looked at it I saw a spot of blood on both sides of my finger. I shot the nail right through my finger.

Ouch - I thought that wound looked fresh on your hand yesterday!
This isn't from DIYing, but I managed to trip while carrying a full Rena Filstar XP3(probably about 11lbs). While in the process of not falling I hit myself just left of my left eye with it hard enough to draw blood and leave a scar.
Come on now... share your stories. I know someone has done something worthy of writing about here in the last five months.

Here is a pic of my miter saw battle scare.
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I washed my deck last weekend with Outdoor Chlorox, and didn't think about using gloves. And funny enough, I had chemical burns on my right hand after about 30 minutes. My fingers started bleeding later in the day, so I had bandaids on all finger tips for the next couple days. Made for an interesting conversation starter.... :)
jeff your really lucky bro...Ive had a couple of close calls with my table saw before but its just usally getting my fingers pinched by projectile wood against the guard, almost like smashing your finger with a hammer.
I had the projectile thing happen to me with a radial arm saw. I left a cut off in the path of the blade. When I put it there I actually thought "that's not a good idea". 15 seconds later I already forgot it was there. Blade smashed it into my thumb adn the piece being cut. Felt like a sledge hammer.
I was trying to drill a hole through something (can't remember what now), but it was small so it kept turning with the drill bit. SO, i decided I would hold it and just drill slowly through it...yep, not slow enough, I drilled into my hand! To this day, I still "feel" it in my hand!
people from metro NY just shouldn't till. I had a very steep pie shaped (maybe 50 feet each side at about 45 degree angle)brush area with weed trees and weeds for our neighborhood water drainage on the corner of my property. After removing the brush & trees, I wanted to make the hill a rock garden with rosemary & a large Magnolia at the bottom (it's purple winter-creeper now with Magnolia). I want it done fast & furious, so I go to the home depot and rent the biggest Tiller that they had. I figured that would churn up anything on that hill.
I go problem. Go across the problem....head down.....I am about 3/4 of the way down and the thing gets stuck. I rev it up and BAM, that freakin thousand pound machine FLIES forward about 10 feet with me holding on. I didn't realize the torque could actually build up enough momentum to fly it forward. Anyway, the machine flies forward & yanks me, too. However, when the machine lands it just THUDS STRAIGHT DOWN and instantly stops. I had let go as quickly as I could, but unfortunately, I continued to go forward until the front of my leg was "tilled" by the blade. It actually shaved my leg & some of my bone. It was about an 6 inch opening of flesh. Oh yeah, if you are going to do something STUPID like this, HAVE A BUDDY AROUND! So I crawl about a hundred yards or so until I get my wife's attention in the house. It's a nice scar, but heeled up OK.