DIY refugium

Mine cost... ~ 20 bucks.

18 gallon container from the clearance section at the container store - 7

3/4 bulkhead - 7

3/4 vinyl tubing - 5

Small various PVC ~1-2

The output plumbing on the return pump has a small T that feeds water to the fuge and the fuge gravity feeds back into the sump through via the vinyl tubing. You can go even more ghetto by making your own bulkhead from pvc.

As for lighting, you can get cheap spotlights from homedepot/lowes that will work. Check Melev's site for more info on that.

Well, I have determined I would like to have a refugium for my tank. I have an acrylic hang-on job I got from a friend, but the dimensions aren't quite right to fight my tank without first cutting the acrylic, and my room-mate (and nominal owner of the tank) is dead-set against any kind of hang-on type fuge anyway. So, we've decided on an under-tank/sump/fuge setup, but in order to do so using the standard modified aquarium setup, we'd have to empty our tank and remove it from the stand in order to to get any decent-sized aquarium in it, much less one that uses most of the available space. Second, even assuming we accomplish this without huge live-stock loss, then the system isn't easily maintained, as it won't be able to be removed from the space it is in without again draining and removing our tank...

... So, I have come up with an idea for a modular design that - theoretically - with proper forethought and careful design consideration, I think I might really have something going here, in that it could easily be removed and setup as a hospital or isolation tank, used as a starter for new fishtanks, liverock and other livestock breeding, allowing you to swap in an identical blank so the system isn't down very long while performing maintenance or when mechanical filtering becomes an absolute necessary (e.g. medication of the main tank, god forbid), and a number of other features.

So, my question is this: is there anyone else in the ARC community who might have (or potentially have) any of the following: a similar issue/problem they'd like to solve and thinks this would work for them, a shop or work area I might use (I live on the 7th floor, though I can work out of my computer store if need be), experience in working/cutting/sealing acrylic with an inclination to help or impart wisdom, anyone with CAD/CAM, engineering or design experience willing to help me get a good plan on paper/screen, and in general, anyone willing, able and interested in helping; I will share more details with interested parties, but I would like for it to remain semi-proprietary as we have a number of other marine/aquarium projects in the works, and this may eventually fit into a line of offerings... I'm not talking NDA or anything, I just don't want to give it away for free to the internet until I've done it right myself.
I've thought about this before and I thought if I made small tanks out of acrylic that I could have them joined together with siphon tubes out of PVC. But what are your thoughts on the project. I'm still working on my sump that a friend of mine is suppose to be cutting for me.I've build some little things that have held water but then look ugly as crap. Shoot me a pm if you want to talk about the stuff.
Well, as the only son of a Ret. U.S. Army Mst. Sgt. (13-Foxtrot, 2 full Vietnam tours for you military types), the oldest grandson of a Ret. U.S.M.C. Drill Instructor, I have (had beaten into me :D) a drive to do my best to do things right the first time, every time. Now, this doesn't mean I'm always successful, but I do my best. My immediate goal is to get together with like-minded people who: can help me hash out a good design on paper; have the experience and workspace and tools necessary to create a good finalized product (or rather, better than I have available - which is workable, but not ideal); have more experience in aquarium DIY projects than I or my room-mates; are local to me and interested in hanging out, talking shop and maybe working toward a nice product we can be proud of. Yeah, in part it's just an excuse to meet some club members local to me who might like to just share a common interest - I could in fact accomplish this on my own with a little extra effort and perhaps investment on my part, or just do the design and farm the acrylic work out to my grandfather in Savannah, who is more than capable, but that doesn't seem like half as much fun, and I think I could benefit greatly from the experience and advice of others on this project and indeed, the hobby in general. Unfortunately, neither I nor my roommates are generally able to make ARC meetings due to work/life/school schedules, so maybe this way I can at least meet a few of the people local to me on a weekend or later in the evening at a local bar / restaurant when I'm finally off work sometime after</em> 7:30pm.

Neither I or my room-mates are big drinkers, but we are smokers, if that matters to anyone, but we're otherwise very laid-back, easy-going people. Anyone who fits in with the above is welcome to send me a PM. Like I said, this isn't something I really want to go into detail on via forums or the internet, but with a little critical thinking you could prolly come close to the same idea, and it's the differences in those ideas I think that could bring together a very nice project.
I may take you up on that. I been wanted to upgrade my sump ever since I upgrade my 55GL tank to 75GL.

I want to be able to put everythng inside the sump inside the stand. I know how to make it happen, but I do not have anything to cut acrylic, nor a work place unless I want to build it in my livingroom.

NOt like I have not done work in my living room before.
I was able to get my hands on some pretty big pieces of 1/4" Lexan (6'x6'). I would like to have a sump with refugium also. I am not much of a DIY, however maybe I could work out a trade with someone who is. Probably have enough for several.
Well, make sure to stay in touch, and I'm sure we can work something out; we will of a certainty be needing materials and there is no reason we couldn't arrive at a fair bargain :D