DIY Skimmer


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I was wondering, has anyone here made their own DIY skimmer? After listening to Cameron's presentation, I thought about building myself an inexpensive airstone skimmer to see if I could create a reasonably good one.

If you have done this, what has worked best? For example, could I use a narrower body (where the water and the bubbles mix) but reduce the overall flow so that I can get more out of the airstone? And on that note, are there any recommendations on an airstone and/or air pump that really creates a ton of tiny bubbles?

Anyway, I'm curious if any of you have experience in this area.

I messed with airstones (wood blocks make the tinyest bubbles) a long time ago when I modded a Skilter. It worked well for a while. The problem is you need to keep an eye on the airstone as they are prone to plugging. I would suggest you invest your money in a needlewheel pump instead of the strong air pump you will need for an airstone skimmer. Check out these pumps for starters:
I agree. There is a reeason no one uses the airstones anymore. Making your own needlewheel or beckett is quite easy. To easy in fact to mess with airstone driven models.

I have a huge DIY dual beckett. I have helped make some DIY needlewheels in the past. Tried airstones once and my needlewheel performed significantly better so I abandoned that. Now I'm not saying you can't make a good airstone driven skimmer but there are issues with them you have to be aware of (you have to have a big air pump, the stone/wood will have to be replaced/cleaned often, etc.