DIY two part

Have you been to bulk reef supply, formally two part solutions? I buy the bulk calcium chloride and magnesuim chloride from them and you can get the baking soda and magnesuim sulfate at CVS. See the site for instructions.
i did ask him he said pool calcium, but he also said they started to add borate i think to it.
baking soda and Preston driveway heat. Though I think they changed the composition in the driveway heat....I think the dates stamped before 96 are good. The case I bought last year was stamped 95.
I don't recall where it was, I do remember the date on the batches that changed were 06 and newer. Whether this is all looney talk or not, I have no clue.
On RC and I'll try to find it. Then again one nice newish clip on has the instructions on mixing it and some other cool stuff.
If you buy the powder make sure you mix it according to the directions. Put the water in FIRST!!! I put the powder in not paying attention to the directions and it got very hot. It caused a hairline crack in my jugs (yes both of them). Unfortunately it dropped slowly and I did not realize it. The problem was it dripped right in my tank since it sat on a wire shelf above the sump in a closet. I dosed almost a third of my two part in two days before I noticed it. Yes, ti's true. i do stupid things sometimes and I am a typical man; I rarely read directions though I would normally benefit from it.