Do I need a protein skimmer for a FOWLR? I saw a protein skimmer called the SeaChem 100 that will do up to 100 gallons (I have a 29g). Is anyone familiar with it?
I would say yes, fish still poop in a fish only. Plus it helps keep O2 and CO2 in balance. Mind you it does not have to be a high dollar skimmer, and I would stay away from seaclones. They put to many bubbles in the tank. JMO
I have a CPR Backpack skimmer on my 33g and a Red Sea Prism on my 20g and like them both.
I imagine there's a member here who has a smaller skimmer collecting dust in the garage, since so many have upgraded to bigger tanks with bigger skimmers. Suggest posting a message in the WTB (Want to Buy) forum and see what responses you get. Be sure to include the specs of your tank when you post your request.
well makeing an air one seems pretty simple and i did a little demo of it at home. and it seems just as easy a plumbing a sump. but if you want to have a discusion over this just pm me and i ll even take my time over the weekend to draw some plans for it.