Do mushrooms move far?


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I know that mushrooms move and when they do they usually leave a clone of themselves behind. Well I have this really nice bright green mushroom that was at the bottom center of my tank. I wake up this morning to notice he isnt there but his little clone is...hmmm so I look around and i cant find him. Later on at night i find him on the extreme left side of my tank granted thats only about a foot away from where he was it just surprised me to see it there. Can mushrooms move that far that fast? Or is this work of my crabs (blue hermits, red hermits, and an emerald)? Thanks
My guess is that in the wild thats one way they can spread there colony is by letting go and leaving a clone. They don't actually "Move" but they let go and float in the current and re attach somewhere else.
Maroons15 wrote: My guess is that in the wild thats one way they can spread there colony is by letting go and leaving a clone. They don't actually "Move" but they let go and float in the current and re attach somewhere else.
yeah this is what I have read that they do but I suppose it was just weird i didnt expect it to get carried that far away. I do hope it continues to spread it's a nice mushroom
yeah it will. I have Mushrooms in my HOB filter that got sucked into it and are loving it in there.
I am running 1 MJ 600 directly into the tank and i use a MJ1200 on my skimmer. There is a good amount of flow in the tank it is only a 30g long.
I have seen some of my mushrooms "crawl" a half inch or so after leaving a clone behind. Then again I have also seen them leave a "foot" behind and float around and attach wherever they settle.

On a sidenote I've had great luck putting mushrooms into direct flow for fragging. The stalk will get thin and when it looks like they are about to let go I cut them off and leave the foot behind. Then I put the top in a shot glass with some rubble till they attach.
thanks for the info guys i think mine left its foot and just got picked up in my flow now to replace him somewhere that i can see him