Do pods irritate zoas?


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For over a week, half of my bam bam colony has been closed up. Not completely tight, but only a handful of them are wide open. They were pretty happy before, so I figured it might have been the medication I was dosing. After tearing the tank up Sunday night, they were rearranged and are actually closer to the light, but out of directly flow from the powerhead now.

The other night, was looking with a flashlight and saw dozens of pods crawling around. Well, these little critters are brazen now that the tank is fallow.

There's about a half dozen pods running around on the frag! Is this the cause of the irriration and why the zoas are mostly closed? You can see in the video they're pretty tightly closed at this point.

Water parameters ok after meds and tearing up tank on sun??
I've seen some folk claim that pods irritate their zoas, but I think the general consensus is that they don't hurt them. The pods are likely eating detritus and what not off the frag.
Silly blennies ang gobbies always have to sit on my corals
Took readings last night:

pH: 8.1
Sg: 1.023
Temp: 79
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 0
dkh: 7.2
OK, there's gotta be something else on these zoas. Now hermits gettin in on the action.
