do urchins molt??


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I had recently purchased a blue tuxedo pincushion urchin. Today I look into the tank from the top and notice that I can see straight through. Bring it out and it's a totally empty shell. Not a spot of the inner body of it. It sooo reminds me of when a crab would molt as it would totally look like a crab until you picked it up.

Now I've never heard of urchins molting but then again this is the first one I've ever had.
Thanks for the quick reply Barbara. That's what I thought. I just though it a bit weird it was empty. Then again it does explain the interest of a number of snails the last couple of days.

[yah...can now edit with Firefox!!]
They need a really good acclimation. THey are particularly sensitive to changes in the water. Took me a few urchins to figure that one out..
Thanks for the info Derek. I'll be sure to give the next one a good 2 hours or more of acclimation.
2 hours may be excessive... compare the params of the bag water with those of your system, particularly pH and specific gravity. The bigger the difference, the slower the acclimation.

I've sold dozens if not hundreds of urchins over the years - very rarely have problems with them - as long as they are acclimated sensibly. Some I sold years ago are still going strong.
