Do you manage your pH in freshwater?


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Sandy Springs
I've got a simple 15 gallon freshwater setup for my son. The pH of our tap water runs around 6.9 based on the test strips I've been using. The seems low to me. Assuming the pH of the tank stays stable, is 6.9 okay? Or should I try to manage it up a bit? So far I've been adding pH increaser buffer to get it up to around 7.2, but it would be easier not to worry about it. The stock is platys, tetras, a couple upside down catfish, a frog, a couple shrimp, and a couple snails.
I always managed mine. I believe I kept it at 8-8.4 for my Malawi cichlids.
Seachem makes a product that puts your ph to 7.0 and get rids of chlorine and all that stuff aquasafe does. That's what I use for my bettas and fresh water set up.
Stability is much more important than a specific number. Unless you are keeping rift cichlids that need it buffered up, I'd personally leave it alone.
6.9 is a good ph for FW. mine's a little lower for my SA cichlids about 6.3. if it comes out at 6.9 just leave it at that and add some prime and you're good to go
Ok that water is good for upside down cats but bad for platies, now depending on what kinda of tetra you get. Like neons this wouldn't work for because your current ph would be border line for them. You could add a scoop full or two of aragonite sand n that would probably bring you to 7.2 and you could get all those fish to live together. Just gotta get a different tettra then neon.
Thanks for the replies. I think I'll let it drift back down to 6.9 and see what happens...

The tetras are Red Eyes, I believe. No neons. I could never keep them alive. Maybe that's why...

We've only had the tank up since Christmas and we've already got a few platy babies swimming around. Very cool.