Do you stare more...


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Do you stare more and notice the details when you're looking at your big tank or your nano? One of the trends in this hobby is going big... tanks for the most part go bigger and bigger; but do you pay more attention if you have a nano vs. a 500g monster?
It takes alot of time to check every detail of a big tank; sometimes its hard to find a missing frag in a big tank and you're just stuck without it, and there are things that go unnoticed unless you just stand there and stare at the deadly thing with your forehead against canopy for 10 mins. hard to check if every polyp is open and if something is sting something else when you have 2-3 cubic meters of water.

Problems gets solved in my 25 gallon tank fast, but some coral in the big tank will loose over 3/4 of the tissue before i notice a RTN.

Big tank needs ALOT more time than a smaller one-Repeated applications of 70 gallon water change isn't fun.
I don't have a Nano, but I can tell you I spend hours looking at individual sections of my larger tank. I think newcomers tend to focus on the whole, but after a few days I began to look at the details. Just because there is more doesn't mean the detail is any less noticeable. It does take more time to check 100 corals versus 10, but things tend to change slower on a larger tank.
I'll stare at the nano on the side table by my couch for hours sometimes. With the exception of 'Lost', I don't have a clue what's on TV any more.

I like nanos because it's much easier to focus on all the activity in the tank.
Kinda like taking a small piece of your bigger tank and concentrating all of your attention on it.
There very different for me. I had a 20G setup for a long time, There were certain things that were cool like nothing could hide. I could always find my fire shrimps, etc. They are a peice of cake with maintenance and any problem is easily corrected because you can do a huge water change in a breeze.

The 450 is awesome though. I can have any fish I want, I can create different areas in the tank (super high flow on one side while medium on another for different types of corals, etc, it's just a lot more flexible! It's almost like sensory overload looking at it though. There is so much to look at. Sure it's more work and time and it's true thinngs like broken frags and stuff never get discovered but in a big tank you can do literally whatever you want and your very limited in a nano.
That is why I have resisted upgrading from my 58G. I can look at the tank and pretty much see every coral without a lot of effort. I like the more intimate look of a smaller tank.
Yeah... I'm currently maxed out on my space... I think I need to trim it down to either just one type of coral or clean up my tank somewhat... it's kind of a mess right now.
As I get new "must have" corals I have to sell others to make space. When will it ever end? :)
so u admiting that u will be selling me one of your mother colonies of zoas shortly there kappa?
I think it depends. I would love to stare at Steve Weast tank before a nano. But some nanos are easier to look at.. Steves always has action everywhere.