Dodged a bullet (almost)


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I have to say a really big THANKS to Budsreef! This weekend, while I was away in NY, our pet sitter called to tell me that the basement floor was flooded. Not a call you want to get at 11PM on a Saturday night while you are 1,200 miles from home. I had her look at a few things and power off the return pumps (the sump was dry and the pump was sucking air). She told me the Vortechs on the 210 were running so I figured the 210 would be ok, so she left for the night. I left a message for ole buddy, Budsreef, to give me a call in the morning to see if he could help me out and see what the problem might be. When Bud called me in the morning, he was already on the way to my house and ready to help. After an hour or so of looking at the problem, he figured out that one of the supply hoses to the refugium had worked it self loose and was pumping water over the edge of the sump (which explained why after adding 15 more gallons of new salt water the night before, the sump return was still dry). I had thought maybe the sump had cracked or was leaking, so this was good news. Bud fixed the problem and filled up the overflow and topoff for me, got the return pumps turned back on and waited around for four hours to make sure it was all still working! YOU ROCK DUDE!!! I got home around 7PM Sunday night and spent most of the night and the next day cleaning up the water from the carper and floor. I was pretty lucky since I have no way of knowing when the plumbing broke and it could have been as early as Friday afternoon. Unfortunately, the brood stock tanks are plumbed to this system so they had no flow for how ever long the sump was empty. Luckily, I only lost one of the Neon Goby pairs from that system. Everyone else was stressed but survived so far. In the 210, I lost about half of my Montipora colonies and the other half are showing signs of stress. I also lost a few frags (the really cool purple one from Barbara :sad: ) and the anenomes in the tank were stresses but seem to be bouncing back. My clam jumped off it's rock and is on the bottom now, not looking great. All the fish in the 210 seemed to be ok.

I learned a couple of things that I need to fix when I swap out this sump in the next couple of weeks and hopefully this will not happen again!


Wow... what a great friend to have!!

Glad it wasn't worse.

Hmmm... he stayed for four hours? Did you check your beer supply when you got home?

Linda Lee;288830 wrote: Wow... what a great friend to have!!

Glad it wasn't worse.

Hmmm... he stayed for four hours? Did you check your beer supply when you got home?


I did notice that a lot of my really cool zoas and other corals were a lot smaller when I got home.... hmmmmm. It was worth it. :D
I have no experience with monti's but I'm stunned that you would lose them that fast wow.

Filing that one away in the memory banks.
Learning that water movement is critical for montiporas. I didn't know that either.
I could not figure that out either, but I am guessing that it was a combination of lower flow, no water exchange (build up of toxins) and drop in temperature that stressed them and pushed them over the edge.
Hey bob if this ever happens again I'm right near stilesboro and barrette parkway. Just let me know. But i'm glad bud got everything straighted out for you! BUD your a great guy
Mockery;288890 wrote: Hey bob if this ever happens again I'm right near stilesboro and barrette parkway. Just let me know. But i'm glad bud got everything straighted out for you! BUD your a great guy

Thanks! I hope I never have to call you though!
:sad: Thanks. I'm bummed about the montipora since they were starting to do really well. At least I got some free frags last night! Thanks ARC.
Bob, I'm glad it was no worse than it was and that your lose was minimal. RIP gobies and monti. :(

Kudos to Bud for helping you out.
atreyu917;289039 wrote: You want the montipora frags we got? I got 2, and i doubt they'll do well in our tank. we have her dads tank too that has better lights to put them in till we decided what we're really gonna do with them.
Thanks for the offer. I got several and I think I will be ok. Luckily, I had several frags of the colonies in my 210 in my 55g! Smaller but doing ok, so I will move them back to the 210.

Barbara;289040 wrote: Bob, I will have another frag of the purple monti for you next time we meet. Are you heading up to Creation sometime this weekend?
YOU ROCK!!!! I loved that coral. I'll be in touch.

stacy22;289050 wrote: Bob, I'm glad it was no worse than it was and that your lose was minimal. RIP gobies and monti. :(

Kudos to Bud for helping you out.

thanks Stacy. I am really glad I did not lose any other fish. I've added some PH to the brood tanks in case something happens again as a precaution.

Are the baby fish plumbed into the 210's system? Are they OK? You are so lucky to have Bud to help. I bet you were terrified when you got that first call about the flooded floor.
fishgardener;290237 wrote: Are the baby fish plumbed into the 210's system? Are they OK? You are so lucky to have Bud to help. I bet you were terrified when you got that first call about the flooded floor.

I had a really sick feeling in my tummy! Luckily, the juvenile cardinals and clownfish were not affected. They are still doing fine!