Does anyone dose Magnesium?

It's essential for stonies and correct Alk / Ca balance. I dose when necessary, which isn't too often since most salt mixes contain adequate amounts of Mg.
I'm not sure about the coraline algae but it does help maintain high calcium and alkalinity levels by keeping them from precipitating out of solution. I just Got the Elos Mag test the other day and found out that my levels were a little low, 1100. Which did not surprise me with all the mangroves I have growing in my system. If you are going to dose I would recommend you pick up that Elos test kit. It's worth the price.
if you dose kalk, you will need to dose magnesium regularly.

magnesium directly effects the saturation of calcium in the water. you cannot reach proper levels of calcium (380-420 ppm, arguably) without proper magnesium levels.
Thanks for the quick response. So salt mixes usually keep it in check?
I don't dose kalk, I use b ionic or any other 2 part solution. So if I stay on top of the water changes and dose the 2 part I should be fine. Correct?
All depends on your tanks CA/ALK demands. Or if you find yourself not being able to reach those levels you want your Mg is prolly low. If anything get epsom salts from the grocery store, will cost you 3 bux for a bag of it and will last a decent amount.
Wow. Never heard of that before. Thanks for the advise, and for being Johny on the spot.
Maddog;157764 wrote: I don't dose kalk, I use b ionic or any other 2 part solution. So if I stay on top of the water changes and dose the 2 part I should be fine. Correct?

theoretically, yes. as the tank matures, the water levels should stabilize and there will be less calcium/alkalinity fluctuation. not saying there won't be... it just won't be as bad.

i hardly test my water anymore. coralline grows, you win. :D
humptrax;157770 wrote: theoretically, yes. as the tank matures, the water levels should stabilize and there will be less calcium/alkalinity fluctuation. not saying there won't be... it just won't be as bad.

i hardly test my water anymore. coralline grows, you win. :D

I would have to disagree as your tank matures your corals grow and the demand for Cal, Alk, and Mag goes up. If you regularly dose these elements the levels won't fluctuate. But if you don't stay on top of it they will invariably get used up.
calireefer;157782 wrote: I would have to disagree as your tank matures your corals grow and the demand for Cal, Alk, and Mag goes up. If you regularly dose these elements the levels won't fluctuate. But if you don't stay on top of it they will invariably get used up.

i should've specified for FO application ONLY. :doh:
I dose only after I put in 1 gallon of each 2 part solution....about 3 cups full.
humptrax;157762 wrote: magnesium directly effects the saturation of calcium in the water. you cannot reach proper levels of calcium (380-420 ppm, arguably) without proper magnesium levels.

Magnesium acts as a buffer between calcium and carbonates. The more ions of magnesium you have present the less chance you have of creating calcium carbonate.

The calcium ions bounce off of the magnesium ions as opposed to carbonates, which they freely bond with. Carbonates also bond with magnesium, but only also dissociate at a pH of 8.3+.

I've seen calcium at over 800ppm with low magnesium. This happens when you force all the carbonates out of the water by over dosing on calcium.
I had a hard time getting my calcium over 350ppm than I started testing for Mag and found that it was around 1000. I have since been dosing with Mag twice a week and my Mag stays between 1300-1400 and my calcium is at 450ppm. I use Brightwell's Magnesion in my tank.
Don't use epsom salt exclusivly or you will overload your system with sulfate ions unless you keep up with massive water changes. Get some Magnesium Chloride (Mag flake) and dose 10 parts Mag Flake to 1 part Epsom salt to keep the sulfate/chloride ion balance in place if you use a Ca reactor. If you use common 2 part additives, you may want to use a different balance of mag salts to keep your system in balance. Anyway, don't take my word for it, get it from the horses mouth:
I've been dosing with just epsom salts for 2+ years and have had no side effects. I do weekly 15% water changes. But thats what works for me, maybe not for everyone.