Does anyone ever running any kind of filtration media in your filter sock?


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i have 2 25g tanks im curing rock in, and the rock came out of a tank that had an algae problem. dont know if it will help much, if at all; but i have a bottle of kent phosphate remover that i have no other use for. what do you think about putting it in my filter sock, going into the sump?
haha, this phosphate remover is pellets about the size of bb's. i got a full bottle of it in one of those oh-so-fun, "ill sell you everything in this cooler for $20". but i have no other use for it, i figured i could throw it in that sock filter then just trash it once the filter needs to be washed again.
no this stuff is white, and you may have a good point, it may get busted into tiny pieces. if its in the socks, itll be catching the return from a mag 5 with about 4' of head.
How often do you change your filter sock? I change mine every 2 days and would hate to have to reach to the bottom to get anything out. I too would be worried about the stuff getting ground up and released into the tank.

If you have baffles in your sump, then put the stuff in a bag and hang so it's inside the baffle and water flows through it.
well this is just BB curing tanks, there is no livestock, food, poo, or anything. but i wash it out every weekend, its been getting alittle bit of stuff. but my skimmer is right behind the sock and its not pullin much either. its all ro/di water and only thing ever put in it is salt and rocks
If it's what I think it is, I've used that media in one of my reactors before and it did pretty well for phosphate removal. Not nearly the pulverization (I think I made that word up) concern as with the phosban, so flow from a mag 5 in a sock shouldn't break it up. Given your specific circumstance as a curing tank with no livestock, not a bad idea. Give it a shot and keep an eye on the pellets to make sure they aren't getting destroyed. If they are, maybe you could put it in a media bag inside the sock...
Regardless, check your param's before you put it in, and continue to check. The phosphate values should drop quickly (1-2 days). Take the media out if the value stops dropping or reaches 0 to keep the phosphate from leaching back out of the media into the water.
ok, ill give it a shot and see what happens, itd have to get broken into TINY pieces to make it through my sock... i dont recall if its a 100 micron or 200 micron. but we'll see, thanks ARC!
Phosban starts off pretty small and literally turns to DUST when it has too much flow. The Kent product is a little more durable and shouldn't be a problem at all in either size sock.
Let us know how it works.
Is it purigen? If so I know there is a flow rate for that, as well as GFO. I'd be cautious....but if it's in a sock....hmmm. Use at risk I guess.
i already put it in there, but im going to go get a picture of the container so you guys know what im talking about
heres the media i used, then a pic of the sump/sock setup

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Worth a shot. Rinse the media out really well before you put it in, and you shouldn't have a problem with small pieces.
yea, i forgot to wash it out... tsk tsk tsk...

it was cloudy for about 30 seconds, but my skimmer sucked it all up, this pic was taken no more than 5 mins after the cloud...

but again, theres no life in here, so short of dying the rock some crazy color, theres really not to much to worry about
look for the filter sock to glog up pretty quickly. Running just water through them they get pretty nasty pretty quick. I'd buy a filter bag and just put it in the sump. I canister filter comes in handy for this sort of thing, if you happen to have one laying around.