Does anyone have the Dalua x4 lights? If not, what are you running?


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Hamilton, Ga
Interested in the illumagic x4’s. Has anyone had them?

If not, what are you running. Looking to light up a 72”x24” tank.
I run an Orphek iCon. I like it, but if I was buying lights again I'd definitely consider the Quanta Atlas or something from ReeFi. I'm more and more convinced that these cheaper lights do just as well as something like the iCon or a Radion, and they're like half the price.
I run an Orphek iCon. I like it, but if I was buying lights again I'd definitely consider the Quanta Atlas or something from ReeFi. I'm more and more convinced that these cheaper lights do just as well as something like the iCon or a Radion, and they're like half the price.

I have had heard a lot of good things about reefi unos, but saw some kickback on interface difficulties, setting them up and controlling - but were ok once figured out. I need to look more into their coverage because it might even be more expensive for them.

Checked out the Atlas, and they look pretty awesome. I actually think it might have too much par (never thought I’d say that), but the lowest setting and 24” down was like 200+ par. I’d also need to add their helix in for more blue and a controller to dim. Maybe the dimmer could lower the par idk.

2 orphek atlantik icons might work.. not sure if I’d need any extra strip lighting.
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Yeah on the Atlas, you can use a dimmer or the variable power output on something like a reef controller to lower the intensity. The #1 thing I don't like is not being able to change the spectrum. I like to be able to start with blues, amp up to full spectrum, and then cool back down, so, like you, I'd have to add additional lights. Not sure I'd want to do that.

The app for the iCon is really frustrating but it works great once you (eventually) get it dialed in. Plus I like that it has a lunar light feature built in.
I’ve got 6 x4’s over my 300DD. I’ve had then since July. So far everything has colored up nicely. Good growth.

If you are in the Acworth area stop over to check them out.

Had them since they were first released in the USA, was actually one of the first in the USA to get them. We sell them. Gary bought from us. He has a great setup. Go check it out worth the drive.
Also check out the Orphek Natura it’s a killer light. Have 10 arriving next Monday. The spectrum is perfection IMO. Some people say the app is a little difficult. But I set it once and really don’t play with them again.

Illumagic app is fantastic and simple to use also.

Can’t go wrong with either to be honest.
Had them since they were first released in the USA, was actually one of the first in the USA to get them. We sell them. Gary bought from us. He has a great setup. Go check it out worth the drive.
Thanks! I tried your site, but don’t see a link to them, if you had any. Are your prices the same as theirs?
I’ve got 6 x4’s over my 300DD. I’ve had then since July. So far everything has colored up nicely. Good growth.

If you are in the Acworth area stop over to check them out.

Thanks! So is that a 72”x36” tank? Curious if 3 would suffice over a 72”x24”