Does anyone have this type of Lighting?


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I was thinking about changing from Metal Halide to T5 HO Lighting on my tank. I currently have 2-250 Watt Phoenix 14K Halides and a double 28 watt T5 Strip. The Problem I am having is that I get excessive heat build up due to the Halides even though I have 3 Fans in the hood. The other is my Electric bill! With Winter approaching it wont be as bad, But I want to plan this out ahead of next summer. If I dont go with a T5 setup, I will have to invest in a Chiller which would cost me money in electric. How many of you use strictly T5 lighting and have good coral growth? I love the way the Halides look on the water, But could give it up if the t5s worked as well. I have a 125 Gallon reef that is 48 wide. Below is a link of the T5 HO light system I was looking at. Has anyone used this? Is it any good for coral growth? Thanks, Gary

The link didn't work for me Gary. But there are a lot of people, including me, running T5's and getting good growth. IMHO you give up the shimmer, but that's it. You're welcome to come check out my lights--I'm just the other side of Starr's Mill HS from you.
George, on question he brings up is his electric bill. I run T5s too, but mine are overdriven with 660s. Do you think once you overdrive them and run your active cooling you are back up to the same pwr consumption of halides or is there a big difference?

BTW, Gary, I als have all t-5s and I am seeing good growth so far.
I would love to come check out your lights. I will try the link again. It should work now.Thanks, Gary

YOu would be far better off spending your money on a chiller as opposed to that fixture. THe key to t5's are individual parabolic reflectors. Look into the Teklight, Icecap, and ATI.
Here's what you want:!_Bulbs_(Black)_by_Sunlight_Supply">!_Bulbs_(Black)_by_Sunlight_Supply</a>
This price includes the bulbs. It doesnt have the night lights, but you could add some LEDs.
Retro overdriven is probably the best way to go, but this is a darn good fixture.
I have 3 3' sunlight supply 2 bulb systems on my 75. This gives me 234 watts. I just had the par tested and on the bottom I am reading 92 halfway reading around 150. My clams appear happy and my sps grow well. I am very happy with the t5 setup.
Great fixture. I just got one and I love it. My softies don't though. I had to move most to the lower portion of the tank and they are still not fully opening up. I have changed out some of the bulbs for lower par ones and it seems to be working well. This light gives off great light. Well worth the money imo.