Does anyone have....

linda lee

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The very first fish(es) introduced to your very first saltwater system? If so, how old is it/are they?

We still have the two yellow-tailed damsels that went into my 33g. They never became aggressive, stayed nice and small and are colorful and active. They've survived moves to a 55g and a 90g and are going into the 180g. They're now 20 months old.
The oldest for me were my maroons that I gave to mark and now are....? They were just about 3 years with me. As of now, the oldest fish I have is my regal...a little over a year.
Unfortunately, My domino damsel is still in there. 7 months now. I had to get rid of one fish since he was tortuting it. I can't get rid of him though it is his home. If/whenever I set up another tank I'll probably leave him in the 20
I don't have anything from my original setup (they'd be about 7 years old by now). My oldest fish right now is my GS Maroon Clown. I've had him/her since Aug. '06.

- Brad
My oldest is my Midas Blenny who is a little over 2 years old. He made a long 3 and a half day trip in a box from wisconsin...
I have my pair of Osc. Clowns and a Spotted Pajama Cardinal fish that are 8 years old or so....I am surprised the Cardinal is still truckin' as I heard the lifespan is around 5 years....
I have a tomato clown that has resided in my tank for about 3.5 years now. I think he will probably live to be 100, since he knows I would like to get him out of the tank and that I can't catch him without dismantling all the rock...
Both my ocellaris clown and yellow tang are 7 years old. They have survived 2 tank upgrades, 3 moves, 2 bouts of cyano, heater mishap of 95 degrees, a tank crash, and still chuggin along :thumbs:
I lost a mated pair of Perks last summer. I got them from my in-laws who had them 13 years, they got them from a friend who had them 5 years, they survived 2 years in my display... 20 yr old pair! The first 18 years, they were the only 2 fish in a 30ish cube in Chicago. I brought them down here in a bucket with a battery air pump. They actually began hosting my RBTA after a couple months in the tank...
the fish I've had the longest would be a fox face (going on 4 months now) but my tank is only 4 months old (5 if you include the cycle)

my oldest fish would be my clown pair, I bought them from Marine Fish after someone else traded them in.. they are both very large (female about 4 inches) so I would assume they are pretty old (maybe 5 or 6 years?)
i inherited my 125 fowlr about 2 and a half years ago; and my bro had it for about 2 and a half years before me. i still have one of the original clowns, he has to be atleast 5 years old and hes TINY. he cant be much more than 3"...

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Bravo. You guys are good. It isn't a good sign of our hobby but keeping a fish alive for 5+ years isn't all that easy!
I was mostly interested in "the fish" (or fishes) that survived from Day#1. I think it's cool when a fish from the first cycle survives all our beginner mistakes, impulse buys and eventual upgrades.

One thing I've learned is that saltwater critters are much hardier than their freshwater counterparts. Or maybe we're just much more careful about water chemistry than we were with FW because we assume reefing is so much more difficult. I think with FW we (only speaking personally here) just dumped 'em in without a lot of research, tank maintenance and zero water testing or water changes. If they died, it was rarely heartbreaking to me, but my saltwater friends are companions.
I have my orginal fish. It's a yellow tailed damsel. He has somehow managed to survive all my learning experiences. I started the tank in Sept 07. The foxface rabbit face is almost as old.
Got a FO clown and PJ cardinal for almost 4 years in the 11 gallon Nano. Clown recently moved up to the 40 breeder and the PJ is going in the 25 gallon Nano.
We also have the original Serpent Star from our first CUC.

Boy, has THAT guy seen some action. Clean-up on Aisle Ten!!!
I've been doing the salt aquarium thing on and off for over 35 years. My wife and I have recently, just about a month now, set up a 72 bow front and 30L. Both are reef tanks and have both cycled. About 22 years ago I had a Lion (10 1/2 inches long) that lived in a 20L for 3 1/2 years. He is the longest living salt fish I ever had. He did eat his tank mates (2 coral banded shrimp) so he was by himself. He also put me in the Emeregency room and my had hurt pretty bad till the doctor made fun of me then shot me up with 75mg of Demoral. (still hurt but didn't care)