Does the HOB Overflow Always Gurgle?


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So, I just set up my HOB overflow to sump and the gurgle on it is very loud. It seems like it's sucking in a lot of air and it's causing there to be a lot of air in the sump too which then sends all the bubbles back into the tank. Any ideas of what I may have done wrong or is this normal?
Mine does not gurgle though there are some bubbles but they are killed by the time it get to the return. Without pics of how you have it setup and you sump design I cant give you to much info on how to clear up the problem.
Thanks guys! I started playing around with it and trying to read up on it and it seems like it was because I had the inlet pipe too far under the water in the sump. I lifted it up and out and the gurgling went away. Now I guess I need to mount a shelf with a sponge or something to help with the noise of the water coming out and also with the air. Thanks again for the quick replies!
Thanks Ace! I might have to give that a try if this doesn't fix things!
see if you can stick a piece of air line tubing in the drain, leaving part of it hanging out.
Glenn, I stuck some air line tube in there and the gurgle immediately stopped! Thanks so much for the quick fix!!

If I was going to do the 90 degree elbow, could I just mount it directly on the pipe in the box? Would I need to cut it down any before attaching it? I'll probably just stick with the air line tube since it seems to be working, but it would be nice to know for the future! Thanks again everyone for the assistance! Merry Christmas to everyone!
Search Hofer Gurgle Buster. It is designed specifically for HOB overflows b/c it does not need any sideways space like a Durso Standpipe. Mine took 5min to build out of PVC, less than a minute to adjust, and the loudest thing on the tank is the fans.