Does your Reef Tank have....


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Bubble Algae? I hate this stuff. Constantly picking it off with a syphon hose to keep it from spreading. I added 3 emerald crabs but they ignore it. Do most tanks have it to some extent? Any fish that will eat it? Thanks.
I had have some in my tank, and used to have a lot more. I never saw anything, including emeralds, eating it, but as my tank has matured it has gone almost completely away. Personally, this stuff never really bothered me. I didn't ever bother it, either, and it has since ceased to be an issue. I know that's not too helpful, but it may help ease your mind a bit...
I have some in my softies tank, well a bunch, but it has never bother me. The 3 emeralds I put in there just walk past and chew on other macros. Not for sure if there is any remedy except for a good pair of tweezers!
Yea I just hate to look at it. I read someone who posted that a certain kind of fish (a tang I believe) cleared all of his out. Wish I knew what fish it was.
Emerald crabs suck and dont do anything beneficial if you ask me. I had a huge bubble algae which i was to lazy to remove. I would see the emerald sitting under it just hanging out. Freaking idiot!!!
lol. I had 1 emerald that would eat it. After he ate it all, he died.
LOL..all I can picture is an Emerald with the bubble algae sucking it in like a balloon and inflating. Just like on the Bugs Bunny Cartoons!
I never really had a lot of this in the tank, but I do see some now and then. When I do find them I just pop it and remove it. Removing it with tweezers always seems to pop them anyways. I did have one really large one... it was the mother of all bubble algae. I just let it grow to see how big it would get. Eventually, it just disappeared one morning... I was kind of sad to see it gone :(.

As for tangs that eat this stuff. I did see my sailfin tang eat one, but that guy eats everything including everyone's feces... yuck. I've heard that naso tangs will tear this stuff up as well. Emerald crabs are hit or miss and they won't touch the big stuff just the baby bubble algae.
from time to time I see my yellow tang nibbling at it, but he usually swims away in disgust becuase its not sea grapes lol.
One of my emeralds cleaned a rock with about 8 or 9 bubbles on it...all gone now
I had to take out my rock and cook it bc of BA. Now I just pop it when I see it. it seems to work well.
<span style="color: black;">I had a rock with about 50 small bubble algae bubbles on it. I dropped an emerald crab in right on top of the bubble algae but it refused to eat it. About 4 weeks later all of the algae bubbles are gone. I'm guessing the emerald crab ate it but I didn't see it. They can be used to prevent an outbreak but don't expect them to take out bubbles that are much bigger than there claws.</span>
I get some popping up from time to time, but my giant emerald chows on it pretty fast. Probably just have to get the right one.
i dont have any on my rocks its growing on top of my powerhead and the cords. i wonder why
heh, dont wonder just pick it off and be happy its not on your rocks :)