Dog Face Puffer still ailing.......

linda lee

Active Member
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We thought he was recovering, but now he's lethargic and pretty much parks in the rocks. I think it's because he can't see. His eyes are completely opaque, almost like he has really bad cataracts. If he swims at all, he bumps into the glass. I've tried target feeding him with the food right in front of his face, but he rejects it.

Any suggestions?

Pretty sure he's a goner... this will be Fish Fatality #5 for us this week. It's exhausting and discouraging.

~ Clown Trigger
~ Bi-Colored Blenny
~ Royal Gramma
~ Potters Angel


wbholwell;66179 wrote: Man, every LFS should have you picture on the wall!

Smart azz... never killed a fish, 'cept at the end of a fishing line.

But 5 @ once from something introduced into our systems.

Hard lesson learned about QT-ing.

Thanks for your helpful input.

You're not alone in your tank woes of recent.

Has anybody noticed how many members are having trouble with their systems?

Looks like I've had a recent casuality, my atlantic anemone has completely disappeard. Although water parameters are ok, I cant find it anywhere, and looks like the xenia is on its way out too. They were both in the closest proximity to the voltage leak, and thinking they couldn't take it. Everything else is on the upswing due to the small daily water changes I've been doing to rid my tank of an accidental overdose of additives.

A lot of problems are popping up with members right now.
Have you been able to identify the disease that is killing all your fish??
I think I need to take a trip out to powder springs to ID this "gunk".
I think cloudy eyes could be caused by a fungus. Try Jungle products “Fungus Eliminator”

I'm fairly certain that fungus cannot exist in pure saltwater. It might be a common affliction though for fresh water and brackish puffers.

Yes Brandon go ID it! From the little I know if it, it seems very atypical of a disease.
It is just weird for me... The puffer has run every sympton under the sun for every major SW disease . Still suspect Brook.
FutureInterest;66231 wrote: I'm fairly certain that fungus cannot exist in pure saltwater.

Although I haven't seen it, the fungus is called Ichthyosporidium hoferi</em> (not to be confused with saltwater ich- Cryptocaryon irritans</em>)

Linda, check out this site. It's pretty helpful in identifying marine disease according to symptoms shown.

My dragon goby had "cloudy eyes" about a month ago along with a bad case of ich. I attributed it to that. I mega dosed all the food with garlic and even the food I fed had garlic. After about a week and a half of that, he was all better.

Also, do you have a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp in the tank? Mine has saved a few fish by removing parasites off of them.
we have the biggest problem with dog face puffers. we do FW dips everyday untill they look better works almost everytime and they stay healthy.
SJ Miller Guy;66352 wrote: Also, do you have a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp in the tank? Mine has saved a few fish by removing parasites off of them.

Well, this tank is a FOWLR, and although I'm sure the Huma Huma Trigger would appreciate us adding shrimp to the tank as a snack, the puffer wouldn't benefit.

I'm wondering if putting the Puffer in the 'fuge with some cleaner shrimp might be an option. At this stage, he's too listless to be interested in dining on them. Might be worth a shot.
wbholwell;66337 wrote: Although I haven't seen it, the fungus is called Ichthyosporidium hoferi</em> (not to be confused with saltwater ich- Cryptocaryon irritans</em>)

I'm still doing searches for Ichthyosporidium hoferi, but I'm coming up with mostly medical-journal-like hits.</em> Haven't found any discussion in laymans terminology yet.

wbholwell;66337 wrote: Linda, check out this site. It's pretty helpful in identifying marine disease according to symptoms shown."></a>[/QUOTE]

This chart is extremely helpful and has been added to my favorites folder. Thanks!

Still reading.....
Putting him in the fuge sounds like a win/win, meaning if he doesnt eat the shrimp, they'll clean any parasites off him, if he does it the shrimp, then thats improvement as at least hes eating