Dogface Puffer


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How big of a tank do I need for a a Dogface Puffer. I currently have a 65 gallon
Looking it up in my book here 50-60g is recommended as a bare minimum with a recommended 75g+. You can put it in the 65g without issue I would think.
I looked on different websites and most websites said somwhere between 75 to 150.
I've seen several Dog Faced Puffers in 55 gallon tanks, with that being the only fish kept. (REAL popular 15 years ago)
I would say you can keep him in a 65 gal IF HE IS THE ONLY FISH and IF HE IS NOT AN ADULT.. when he grows your really should have a larger tank in the 90+/- range
they can get up to a longer than 12 inches in some circumstances so i dont think a 55 gallon would work in the long run.