Don't Boil Zoas!


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palytoxins... yikes.
Holy Crap! :eek:

Zoos aren't something to be taken lightly. Always be aware when fragging, moving, screwing around with them.

Very not cool.
Hmmm... I knew they were poisonous to consume, but how likely was I ever to eat one... Knowing this though gives me pause since I've seen my zoas spit out clouds of "ink" when they get pissed. I think I'll go add more carbon...
heres what you should do if you ever experience this...

Go straight to your E.R.. Tell them you have shortness of breath and chest pain and have been exposed to a rare potent chemical poison. Tell them to call the poison control center to see if there is any new literature on this kind of poisoning . All the docs i work with have no clue about my hobby and reef tank, the general ER doc wont know also... All throughout med school and residency i have never been taught what to do with this kind of toxin...

Heres what i would do for one of my patients in the er... the toxin acts on the human sodium- potasium atp-ase pump...basically the mechanism that regulates the balance between cells and their surrounding fluids..
The toxin makes cells absorb the sodium and release potassium into the body....
This is basically what happens in the death sentence by lethal injection..the person is given a big bolus of pottasium...

The pottasium disrupts the hearts electrical pathway and causes it to beat irregularly or in extreme cases stop...

Tell your doc to give you kayexalate, calcium carbonate and insulin. (if you can remember all that).. the kayexalate will make you sh*t like crazy (and everyone will be able to smell it for me!!) but its flushing the potassium out of you...the calcium carbonate will protect your heart, and the insulin will drive the pottasium back into your cells..

all the above are safe and have no side effect...the only thing you would have to watch is that the insulin did not bottom out your blood sugar...

Funny that guy said his EKG and labs were ok...the increased pottasium if he had chest pain should have shown up,,, unless it caused him angina. wierd?? The albuterol was a good idea, but he should also be placed on an oral steroid for 7-10 days to help let his lungs heal...I guess if it was aerosolized and not seeded into his blood, it may have not had the same effect. It sucks he may have chronic asthma from this..

will call poison control tommorrow, consult the infectious disease docs and do more research...Sorry for the long speal....i knew all this studying would come in handy one day,,thought i'd share my opinion...
Slayer I did something similar, my first coral was brown Zoas and I first started fragging them for a few friends since they would grow good. I put small rocks around the main colony and let them grow onto the smaller rocks. Then being a newbie, I would just reach in and rip them apart, tearing the Zoas into pieces. Well I get cuts on my hands,knuckles and arms every day at work since we work with sheet metal, alot of sheet metal. Well one night I came home washed my hands real good and my band-aid came off when I washed my hands, so i didn't bother putting it back on, so I reached in hands bleeding a little and tore 3 rocks apart, maybe 20 or so zoas were tore into. Well...20 min. later I am sick to my stomach, then dizzy, and my chest hurting a little. I thought I was getting the stomach flu. I thought if I got sick once and vomited I would be better. I immeadiately took some finnegan my wife had from her pregnancy, and just waited it out. I have had the stomach flu and I knew there was nothing that could be done for it. So I toughed it out, man was I sick for 6 hours, I never vomited though, sweated like a dog though, chilled, and was very nauseated.
I read a similar article on Reef Central on the same thing the next night then I put two and two together. Man did I ever learn my lesson. I actually killed all my brown zoas when I redid my rockwork,with a heatgun.
Hrmm... hey Slayer, during your research tomorrow, can you also check with the CDC here to see if they know anything? My cousin works there and I know they do have some cures or at least procedures for some of the world's isolated cases of weird stuff. Maybe they know something there?
kappaknight;31645 wrote: Hrmm... hey Slayer, during your research tomorrow, can you also check with the CDC here to see if they know anything? My cousin works there and I know they do have some cures or at least procedures for some of the world's isolated cases of weird stuff. Maybe they know something there?

Don't we know a bunch of people at the CDC?
also note that not all zoas/palys carry Palytoxin. I was sqirt in the eye a few weeks back and had no ill effects (other than a red eye for 5days and a headache)

Check out
i've read that sometimes zoas will squirt water and not the actual toxin. i'm not sure what causes them to do one or the other.
Wow..scary incident. I will treat my zoos with care! Anyone know a listing of which types of zoos have the toxins?
well.... i dont work at emory, or the cdc ,but i do work at the medical center of cental georgia, its a level 1 trauma hospital, and its the second busiet hospital in the state of georgia, after Grady in atl. (will soon be #1 and see more patients then any other hospital per year after the new expantion)

so saying that, i spoke to the three main infectious disease guys (m.d's) at work and they had NO CLUE as to what i was talking about. They hadnt heard of plathoa/zoo toxin, 2 of them didnt even know you could raise coral in a tank. i told them the mechanism by which it worked...they pretty much said the same thing i posted earlier. one actually said he'd take the time to find out about a cure. Didnt get a chance to call poison control, but will....all the reading i've done so far says there isnt a cure, cause no one has really investigated it..No money in it, was the answer i got from a pharm rep... maybe we need to get the ceo of galaxo-smith-kline, and pfizer into reefing..maybe we could trade frags for viagra (not saying any of us guys need any)

kh971 - lucky call...havent read about anyone actually dying from exposure yet. but definatly will make you feel like crap if it gets into your bloodstream.. anyone know what type of paly/zoo contains this toxin,,, would love to get some and mix it with some samples of blood and see what happens,,,,maybe i'll write a paper on it...
well.... i dont work at emory, or cdc, but i do work at the medical center of cental georgia, its a level 1 trauma hospital, and its the second busiet hospital in the state of georgia, after Grady in atl. (will soon be #1 and see more patients then any other hospital per year after the new expantion)

so saying that, i spoke to the three main infectious disease guys (m.d's) at work and they had NO CLUE as to what i was talking about. They hadnt heard of playthoa/ zoo toxin, 2 of them didnt even know you could raise coral in a tank. i told them the mechanism by which it worked...they pretty much said the same thing i posted earlier. one actually said he'd take the time to find out about a cure. Didnt get a chance to call poison control, but will....all the reading i've done so far says there isnt a cure, cause no one has really investigated it..No money in it, was the answer i got from a pharm rep... maybe we need to get the ceo of galaxo-smith-kline, and pfizer into reefing..
we could say will trade corals for viagra...(not saying us guys need any )

kh971 - lucky call...havent read about anyone actually dying from exposure yet. but definatly will make you feel like crap if it gets into your bloodstream.. anyone know what type of paly/zoo contains this toxin??,,, would love to get some and mix it with some samples of blood and see what happens,,,,maybe i'll write a paper on it...
Slayer, if you want some I still have a patch of those zoas in my tank. I thought I had gotten rid of them last time.
lol !! you know i thought the same thing... If i ever wanted to x-nay someone, that would be a good route to go... I dont even think the substance is tracable...would love to run a mass spec on it to see what compounds it actually contains..

kh971 i would love to have a sample.. i'll take them down to pathlogy and analyse the compunds that make up this toxin.