Don't make this same mistake!!!


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I am diligent about acclimating my livestock when I introduce something new. I went by SWC over the weekend and picked up a Cleaner Shrimp for one of my tanks. I always drip acclimate inverts VERY SLOWLY over a period of a couple of hours. This one looked great in the container and after a couple of hours I tested both the tank water and the drip container. The salinity and pH were dead on so I went ahead and moved the shrimp in to a little six gallon fuge that was attached to the main sump. D'oh!! I immediately realized I made a huge error. It was the end of the day cycle and the light had been on in the six gallon all day and it had heated up the small tank higher than the sump where I had been drawing the water. To further the problem, the drip container had cooled down to the ambient room temp. So I ended up shocking the poor thing and I knew it was too late to save it. The temp in the small tank was close to 82 and the water in the drip container was closer to 72. The little guy did not stand a chance. I felt terrible.
Hopefully someone reads this and does not make a similar mistake!

Awww...that sucks many sorry to here that...I have done the same in my refuge before with a clam...cooked him
I start everything there to get it acclimated to the water before moving it up to the display...don't want it fighting two with water paramaters and one with every body wanting to see who the new kid on the block is:unsure:

Just looks like the 2 hour drip would get him aclimated to the water. To put a fish in the fuge...then catch him again seems like even MORE stress.

But what do I know. If it has worked for you with it brotha!

Curious to see other opinions on the subject.(Always lookin for a tip)</em>

Sorry again about da schrimp.
Mine is sort of a planted fuge, it's got some macro algaes and some "throw away" zenia (everytime I pull it out of the main tank I toss it in this tank)... wanted some thing to look at that moves in the tank and does some cleaning. This is not my main refugium for the system but was an add-on to house my Bangaii babes while they grew up a bit.
Yea, I have tried 2 cleaner shrimps from Cap Bay. The first one was fine at the store, put him in the cooler, headed home right away 40 minutes-DOA. Darn it! I got another one as a replacement, and same procedure. He made it home. I cut the bag to put him in an acclimating bucket, and the pressure from opening the bag was too much. Poured a dead shrimp right out of the bag :(
Bummer Reefette! I'll probably hold off for awhile. I keep telling myself I can't buy anything new until I get the 210 up and running but you know how it goes!
I have had good luck with cleaner shrimp being really hardy in the past. Just a quick drip (30 min) and drop in the tank. THey always hide at first, but come out later. I can see in Bobz case maybe a mistake, but chauwall, I think you probably did nothing wrong. You probably should have received another replacement?
Yep, I have had good luck in the past also, so was really disappointed in losing this one.
corvettecris;203106 wrote: I have had good luck with cleaner shrimp being really hardy in the past. Just a quick drip (30 min) and drop in the tank. THey always hide at first, but come out later. I can see in Bobz case maybe a mistake, but chauwall, I think you probably did nothing wrong. You probably should have received another replacement?

Derek. Oh yea, I talked to Debra about the second shrimp and I just decided it wasn't meant to be. I think they gave me credit for something else instead. I love Cap Bay! Great customer service. Thanks.

Bob-good luck with your 210-nice big tank!
I have a funny/not funny story about a Cap Bay shrimp - brought him home, acclimated, managed not to freeze him to death, put in tank. He went and sat on top of a rock. About 5 minutes later I watched as he slowly drifted off the rock, free floating upside down, dead, and within 2 sec was snapped up by my engineer goby.

Too demoralized to get another one. I had one once that lived 2 years.

i put 3 peppermint shrimp in my tank after acclimating them, can only find one, and then only if you break down the entire reef and look for him LOL.
bought a filament flasher wrasse last week at BLUE PLANET, acclimated, put him in the tank, watched him swim around getting familiar with his surroundings, lights went out ( timed out) all fishies went to bed, flasher ain't been seen since!... i nicknamed him copperfield... if he don't show tonight, then i will be getting a replacement, tank parameters are perfect, so i don't know what happened to him or if he's still hiding in the sand and refusing to eat LOL