Dosing aquavitro question


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I have been dosing the aquavitro 's line of calcium for a couple of months now on a regular basis. I have noticed some growth and everything is maintaining its color whereas before I had a lot of bleaching (prob. due to lack of nutrients/constant calcium). I am currently dosing an amount of 3 1/2 capfulls twice per week (basically 7 capfulls/week). I was wondering if it would be better to dose a capful/day or just keep up w/ the twice weekly dosing. I was leaning towards the daily dosing. I don't really mind-I mean I've gotta feed the tank daily, so it's no big deal to me to have to throw in a capfull of the stuff as well-thanks!
lol - sorry for hijack but I flashed by this very fast and swore it said dosing with aqua velva
haha, you're funny loren.

eric, i am curious about that as well, i hate having to change water but I dose calcium and iodine once a week and i have been having great growth but i have been using seachem's lquid calcium for reefs.

do you like the aquavitro line?
I would say you could do it either way as long as your meeting the demand. The daily dosing will probably keep it more consistant. The only aquavitro I have been using is the fuel but I have heard great things about the other products.
I like the calcium; that's the only one I dose w/ an occaisionl pH too; honestly, I don't know-I mean my colors are where they should be, which is something tht I wasn't getting beforehand, but growth is SLOW-but that is a SPS thing, no?? I mean it doesn't grow 'like a weed'--? does it?? On another note, my clam is LOVING it-ever since I started dosing it, he was alive before, but now he's thriving. He opened up and has some nice colors-(no comments, please haha). So if ya wanna judge him, then the product is doing what it is sapposed to, maybe I need to pick up that fuel as well.?
yeah, my birdsnest grows like crazy, and i've only had him a short while; everything else is just a slow go; I haven't tested in a while, but used corals as indicators and everything seems to be happy-I'll have to test after while-