Dosing containers

It would depend on whether you want space saving and concealed under the tank or in a cabinet. Or had the space in a fish room. For me, I have the space and use glass gallon jugs.
No, I’m working with a small space. I’ve seen people using glass water bottles and drilling to top for a push connection fitting.
If you're not having to dose much the 2L size may work for you and could last a while. If you're needing larger amount then measure the space you have to work with and look for something that comes close to filling it.

Most people I've seen don't auto dose Mag. The 3rd chamber could be used for ATO water or coral food. If you don't need a 3rd chamber maybe something like this would be better.

Or these if you can DIY the tubing and John Guest connections. (I DIY mine)
Low tech, it's hidden in the cabinet with the sump and I'm frugal so I don't need $$$pretty. Alk I just used pvc glued to lid to keep silicone tube at bottom, I've since picked up hard airline for the other two.
I went with the simplicity because i got a deal on them when marinedepot went under. I know alot of people are using voss water bottles and they look pretty good
Simplicity is def the way to go. Looks clean, can add sensors, and priced great. Happy with mine.