Dow Flakes and Baking Soda


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Saw a video the other night on about a guy mixing up calcium chloride (Dow flakes) and baking soda in separate 1 gal containers and the same with Epson Salts (Magnesium sulfate) to balance the chemicals for a reef tank. Does this work and is it a good alternative for a reef tank? He said the chemist who writes for Reef Central supported the mix. Thoughts?

its not scary its a very cheap way to make a 2pt additive a balanced blend of calcium and buffer solution go to reef central and look at the chemistry forum
This is a useful method for Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium maintenance for reef aquaria. I know a few who are using this method with fair results. Here is the article:">An Improved Do-it-Yourself Two-Part Calcium and Alkalinity Supplement System</a>
by Randy Holmes-Farley

It does work and it can be safe. Here is a link with more information as well as a source to buy from.
If your dosing is not automated (calcium reactor, kalk stirrer) it's the only way to go! Cheap and works great.
been doing that for about a year now and no issues. Simple, cheap and effective.
It works great! Much cheaper than the two parts that you can buy at LFSs. Randy Holmes Farley knows what he is talking about and basically came up with the ratio and correct amounts to result in balanced additives. TwoPartSolution is a really good website/source for getting premeasured ingredients to make the additives. As a club I think that someone should find a source for the raw materials. We need to find some Calcium Chloride (preferribly Dow Flake) and Mag Flake. The Epsom salts and Baking Soda are easy to score. :)
It will not be at the Blue or Orange Box as I tried both of them. I did find it the Calcium chloride at CVS in the form of Prestone De icer as its just Peladow. Randy says you can use that, just mix it 20% lighter. Still tryin to find the Mag Flakes but can do with just Epsom Salts. With a bigger tank, the other stuff just costs to much. I have used the Nano PArt A/B for the last six months on my 12 gallon and it works on the same principal. The link above has great information.
