DragonFly Bleeny


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I just got me a DragonFly Bleeny. I'm wandering what they eat... I've been feeding Shrimp and BloodWorms, but I haven't seen him chewing on.

Any thoughts? :confused2:
What is a Dragonfly Blenny? Pics? Are the shrimp/bloodworms live? If not, try some live adult brineshrimp mixed in to temp the fish to eat.
I'd love to post some pics... but I haven't been able to figure out how to insert them. I keep clicking the "Insert File" icon but it keeps giving me an error message.

So, on the food...Do live food_?_ Okay.

I'll give that a try.


Here we go... let's see if it helps. Thanks for help offered Bobz and D_Dude...

Oh, btw...you'll be able to tell that posting the pictures was not my only challenge. I'm no professional when it comes to take them either.
That can't be good. The lady at the store (Fish Scales) had it tagged as a DragonFly Bleeny. It's actually black and white with some deep blue under the chin.

Thank you for the advise.

I'ss seeing about getting him a partner soon. My tank is about 4 months old and this is my first fish...I've had several invertebrate there for some time and only a red-leg hermit crab died on my watch (I think he arrived dead).
I was able to get mine to eat (anything now!) by mixing some live brineshrimp in with the frozen when I fed him. If he is in a tank with other fish he may not get a chance to eat though. These fish are really slow stalkers and prefer to stalk pods, etc as Charlie has already told you. My advice would be to try and isolate him until you know he is eating, then reintroduce in to the display tank or chances are he will not survive if there is not enough pods in the tank to support him.
The darn fish's name is actually Dragonet Blenny. I just pulled it up on the internet. I do have some amphipods that comeout at night and eat the bloodworms I feed everyone.

I'll see about getting him a partner soon.
Be careful about pairing them up. I think if you try and put two males together they will fight. You need to figure out if you have a male or a female and then try to find one of the opposite sex. Good luck!
He has been eating frozen brine daily.
The label reads Scooter Dragonet, and Julie has always refers to them as scooter blenny. Sorry for any confusion. Stop by and let me give you some more pods.

He has been eating frozen brine daily.
The label reads Scooter Dragonet, and Julie has always refers to them as scooter blenny. Sorry for any confusion. Stop by and let me give you some more pods.

Also, a lot of the names are regional, or vary from one person to the next. So it's not entirely impossible to call it a dragonfly blenny. If you like that name. I guess that's why scientists use scientific names.. ;)
amaboles;233234 wrote: . Bobz is right these guys are grazers and will can't compete with the other mates for food if you are lucky enough to get one that will eat anything other than pods.

Completely agree. Once you can get them eating, target feeding is the way to go! I have a Target Mandarin in my 210 that I adapted to eating frozen mysis but I have to target feed him or his tank mates get all the food. I'm sure this guy could survive on pods in my tank but I like the feeding regime we have! :D