Drilling a Nano Cube????????


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Hey does anyone know anything about drilling the back of a JBJ Nano Cube? I am thinking of making an external refugium. Is it even possible to drill the back of one? I is made of like this black hevy duty plastic. Anyone with any knowledge with this please give me some info.

Thanks, Chris
If it is made of plastic then I don't see any reason why you couldn't drill it. Just make sure that you will have enough room for a bulkhead fitting. I think you would also need to make the return pipe go into the main chamber. The main overflow would need to drain fast enough to support the return pump. Other wise I think it may over flow, if you get those thing worked out it may work great.

Good Luck!
Nanocubes are glass. I wouldn't risk drilling them. If you want a fuge, check out this non-drilling alternative. Works great and keeps nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia at nill.

I may be wrong, but even if it's glass, would it be tempered? At that size it doesn't seem to me that it would be. It's still risky and must be done correctly and carefully, but if it's not tempered it could be drilled. If it's not glass, then it shouldn't be a problem at all.
I forgot to add, you can always check w/the manufacturer to find out if it's tempered or not.
Glass or plastic. If it is not tempered, it can be drilled. Most glass bottoms are tempered but most sides (backs) are not.

LIke anything else, you just need the right tools. you need a diamond encrusted hole bit for glass (less that 20 on ebay).

If it is glass, I check to see that it is at least 3/8's thick though. Thin (as in 10 gallon ones) is a pain in the @$$ to drill.

Plastic (acrylic) is easy.

I drilled my 12G JBJ about 1 year ago with no issues, just go very slow. It took me nearly 2 hrs. Initially for an ice probe chiller but now its used to connect to my sump.
So yeah I have heard of these things cracking. I would love to add a sump and a skimmer to my tank but right now I am not having any problems with water quality. I just don't know if it is worth attempting. I know that I do not feel confident in drilling due to no experience at all.
I remember seeing yours Simon. A 12 gal nano with a 300 gal sump. That is awesome!!!!