dripping kalkwasser


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is it better to drip kalk into a sump or directly into the tank? thanks
i like to drip it into my sump near the inlet of my skimmer...this way the kalk and skimmer will help precipitate out phosphates from the water as well as mix the kalk into the water..the return pump from the sump will further ensure that the kalk mixes with the water before delivering to the main tank..on the flip side your motor impeller may need to be replaced more regularly because of the kalk wear on them...although i guess its just user prefence where you drip it..
actually it makes a pretty big diff. you should drip it into your sump (if you have one) the drip has a Ph of about 11-13 and can really harm your corals and or fish if its dripped into the disp and not dispursed properly, like near an area of high flow.
I don't have a sump, so I drip it into my tank directly over one of the powerheads in the back. Come to think of it... my whole setup is pretty ghetto. :unsure:
kappaknight;45342 wrote: I don't have a sump, so I drip it into my tank directly over one of the powerheads in the back. Come to think of it... my whole setup is pretty ghetto. :unsure:

...it's still a very nice looking setup.
its fine to drip intot the disp, you just need to make sure you have it going into a high flow area....in my 15g it drips right above the pump for my skimmer so it gets sucked into there. Once the 55 has all my corals in it, it'll go into the sump, that way I can have a faster drip rate to help keep up with the demand of CA and ALK.
kappaknight;45342 wrote: . my whole setup is pretty ghetto. :unsure:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A ghetto is an area where people from a specific racial or ethnic background live as a group in seclusion, voluntarily or involuntarily. The word was originally used to refer to the Venetian Ghetto in Venice, Italy, where Jews were required to live. The corresponding German term was Judengasse. In Moroccan Arabic, ghettos were called mellah. The term came into widespread use during World War II to refer to Nazi ghettos.

This term "Ghetto" is referenced on here quite a bit.

I wonder if we really understand that better choices are available
glxtrix;45340 wrote: actually it makes a pretty big diff. you should drip it into your sump (if you have one) the drip has a Ph of about 11-13 and can really harm your corals and or fish if its dripped into the disp and not dispursed properly, like near an area of high flow.

Actually it doesn't. The rate at which it is dripped into your system is the issue, not the location. Obviously another factor would be drip rate versus the total system volume.
so youre telling me a localized area that doesnt have a lot of flow would be fine to drip kalk into??? Kalk is a very dangerous thing to play with and for many people has crashed their tanks, all the correct knowledge is a must for people who are considering using it.
glxtrix;45363 wrote: so youre telling me a localized area that doesnt have a lot of flow would be fine to drip kalk into??? Kalk is a very dangerous thing to play with and for many people has crashed their tanks, all the correct knowledge is a must for people who are considering using it.


By the time you factor in powerheads and /or CLS and sump returns there is more flow in a display than a sump. Couple that with what is usually a significantly larger volume of water in the display versus the sump. Suddenly by your criteria the display is a better place to drip kalk. In the end it doesn't make any difference as it is a liquid and rapidly mixed in the system. The drip rate and system volume are the most important factors when dripping kalk.
whoa bro chill. First off noone even knows what volume, how much flow or anything about his system, a basic question was asked and its been followed up on.
thanks everybody i drip mine in a sump over the return pump a mag 7 i think i will move move it over the protein skimmer pump another mag 7 because it makes the skimmer precipitate phosphate better. it is akent aquadose 2.5 gal. i use about 1 gal. per day kalk as my make-up water for evaporation.have been doing it for about 6months 2tsp per gal. no problems so far
dawgdude;45408 wrote: Yeah my setup is pretty ghetto too, I have an oceanic cube which is a beautiful tank with a 250 HQI on it and then a really crappy desk fan sitting on cereal boxes to cool the tank off. lol there is nothin wrong with a ghetto setup as long as it works.


From Dictionary.com the Free Dictionary

o·ver·re·act [oh-ver-ree-akt] –verb (used without object)
to react or respond more strongly than is necessary or appropriate.

I wonder if we really understand that sometimes you look like an idiot and make more of an issue when you overreact.

Come on man. What's with the name calling? Your not doing any justice by throwing fuel in this fire.
arcadmin wrote: If you see an offensive post, <u>don't reply</em></u>, but report it to one of the Moderators, and we will take care of it properly. <u>Don't make the problem even bigger by adding to a flame war.</em></u>

The original intent of this thread has been lost... Thread closed.