Drylok Fast Plug Hydraulic Cement


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I've been reading about people using this along with fiberglass/acrylic rods to secure their rock together. Quite a few people have used it for a long time with no problems while others say don't use it but don't have personal experience with it. Have any of you guys used it before?
I have half bucket u can have when you pick up the light, that way u can give it a try with out cost.
Thanks man. I totally forgot about that light this weekend. Things are less crazy so I'll hit you up one day this week.
It's good stuff Sean, even Dr... (Can't remember his name) that gave the talk about aqua scapes said its safe. It also says so on the container!
Some types dries dark gray though!
just so that we're on the same page, we're talking about this correct?

if so, is it safe to use while you have corals and fish in the tank already
Lowes sells it in a yellow tub. That's what I've used.

Tips, it dries Really Fast so only mix a small amount at a time. It's messy, put down paper and wear gloves. As soon as you have it in place, press small pieces of rubble rock and/or sand to cover it up.
yeah, I've got a bucket of the Quikrete stuff and it works like a champ.

I drill and peg the rock with fiberglass rod (this last time I used a hand held grinder with a masonry wheel to shape the rock) or zip tie, once the structure is stable... thwap some hydraulic cement in the joints. You can shape it by pinching little crevasses or use a rock to crave it and leave imprints. I've read about some people using rock salt to add texture, but I believe that it makes the stuff too brittle. Only mix up what you can use in about 15 -20 mins the stuff sets up crazy fast. In the past I've a couple of small structures by pulling the rock out of the tank, join and gluing them and putting right back in, although if you are nervous soak the rock in some old tank water from a water change first.

PLEASE USE GLOVES! Concrete Burns are not fun.

Oh and do yourself a favor and don't rinse the bucket out inside at the kitchen sink, yeah the hot water is nice... but if that stuff sets up in your pipes you will never hear the end of it!