DT's Vs Kent


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So I've been using the DT phytoplankton and I was wondering if the kent stuff was better or just as good. The advantages to Kent is you don't have to refrigerate and it is much cheaper, so I was thinking about making the switches. Has anyone tried both or have an opinion about either? Thanks.
I have actually tried both and here is my OPINION


Cons: Really no way to know long it's been sitting on the shelf

I didn't have as much reaction to it as DT's, i.e. slow to little growth

Pros: Easy to find, cheap, and don't have to keep in the fridge

Cons: Expensive, must keep cold, can be hard to find

Pro's: Much more coral growth after I started using it. A definate improvement over Kent.

The bottom line for me is that I really saw no change when i was using the Kent products. Once I switched to DT's I could actually notice coral growth and color improvement.
Well guy. It sounds like I need to stick with the DTs then. I have a great source, I just didn't know if it was worth the money. How often do you feed?
Mark is growing his own and it works real well. Why not give growing yours. There is a link on this site somewhere on how to do it.
DTs is far better than Phyto, Chromo, or Zooplex or max. Just make sure you don't buy and old bottle and shake it really well once a week to keep it from settling.
Growing your own phyto is the best solution of all. DT's is good, but it's barely alive when you get it. Home-grown phyto will live in your water column much longer and is much cheaper to make. Plus, it's practically continuously renewable.

Best of all, Florida Aqua Farms sells the cultures or you can get starter from others. FAF is close enough that you can UPS ground the packages instead of paying for express. Tres cheap.
Can I try growing my own from a DT bottle? I' think I'm going to try that with saltwater and a bubbler.
You can try. Mine wouldn't start. Alan's didn't take. The online info I've found is that DT's won't work, but nobody really knows why.
It's a proprietary copyright protection device fused in the genetic makeup of DT's. I'm sure there's a crack available online for it though :lol:
My personal opinion is that DT's isn't as "live" as they make it out to be. A good product, though.
I used a mixture of DT's and a bottle of George's Phyto to start my batches. Since I was gone for 3 weeks I need to buy some more cultures from Florida Aqua Farm to add some diversity to the phyto.
Yeah, I am trying to kick off my phyto farm with the DT..It seems to just sit there and do nothing..Gonna order me some real live ones to compare.