Dual durso plumbing question


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I have one overflow box with two durso drains. How do I plumb this to my sump? Can one go to the fitler sock, and the other to the refugium? Or should they join to one pipe, and T off to the fuge through a valve?
I would put a gate valve on one and run it at full siphon with just a little going through the other to the fuge. There are probably some risks of overflow somewhere, but with enough planning, I am sure it could work safely.
Run a separate line from each one, or run both into one line and T it off?
Here's how I have it dry fitted. Wondering if I'm over complicating things. The previous owner just had the right drain attached to a 90, then to a T off of the left drain and to the return of the sump. I don't see the benefit to having two drains doing it that way?
So, I have the right drain going to the fuge with a valve to adjust flow to the fuge, and the drain in case two 1" drains are to much flow. The left is self explanatory, it just goes to the filter sock.
Am I over complicating things? Should I just put a quick disconnect where the red handled valve is?

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I was thinking you had a remote fuge... With that setup, I would just run both drain pipes to the filter sock. 100% of your water is passing through the fuge regardless of how you plumb it. I guess the plumbing, as you have it, may give you better flow in the fuge, but I think a little power head would be a cleaner look.

Also, I would make the stand pipe for the valved drain a little shorter than the other if you haven't.
Here's hopefully the final dry fitted plumbing. I left the valve on the right side drain in case I go with the Herbie style. Will both the drains going into one sock be too much?&lt;img src=&quot;
alt="" /></a>" alt="" /&gt;
Eheim 1262, 950 gph.
Not sure I understand the herbie setup. The emergency drain is only supposed to have a trickle, correct? So it doesn't have full flow through it?
I will probably go with the durso setup that's in it now, but if I don't like it I'll switch it out.
The herbie can handle more flow. Water flows through the full siphon pipe at a much greater rate and will be completely silent (except where it dumps into the sump, if the drain isn't submerged). It is difficult to tune the full siphon to exactly match your return pump, so the idea is to tune it close enough that most of the water goes through the full siphon pipe, and the little bit of excess flow trickles down the other.

I am thinking that two standard drains will be fairly quite with the amount of flow you have. If not, you are a very short and easy change away from the herbie.

I am thinking worst case, you change your filter sock more often.