Duncan Support


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Stone Mountain
Today is the 3rd day that my duncan colony has been looking unhappy. I know this happens once in a while, I've been through it several time. Duncan's look a little shrivelled for a few days every year it seems but in my head I only had it lasting 2 days. Now I'm on the 3rd day and a little worried. Normally when I see posts like this I'm the first one to chime in "it happens to mine all the time, don't worry!" but now I'm worried and I just wanted to vent a bit since the other members of my household aren't overly concerned with the shape of my main duncan colony.

Nothing has changed at all. All parameters are stable an have been pretty much the same for 10+ year and this particular coral has been with me longer than that. The only thing I've been doing different is adding Tropic Marin's "All For Reef" and the dose doesn't keep up with my alk needs. I test every weekend and end up adding a bit of Alk to the system. IF there is something wrong with the duncans, my only thought is that my alk may have been swinging a bit more than usual. I keep it at 7.5 and over the past 2 weekends the tests have shown an alk of 6.9.

Now that I think about it, Reef Builder has been my normal dose for Alk and I know that can increase the pH. I don't test pH all that time and maybe it's a bit low since I've been dosing the All For Reef instead of the reef builder. Let me investigate...

In the meantime, if any of you have duncans that occasionally look puny but bounce back, please let me know. Worse case scenario I can frag the colony and put them in my frag system. They always seem to grow really well down there.
I have a duncan that looked like death for 2 months then just pepped up and started grow like crazy.
I agree mine looked like poop for a week and then sprouted about 6 new heads.
If nothing has changed, maybe its just growing pains.
I need to document this. I started thinking back to the last time this happened and I'm 90% it was in the spring.
Mine did the same for about 3 weeks closed right and lost color in the flesh refused to open at all then one day it opened fully and completely came back. I chalked it up to low nutrients since the only thing I changed was adding some macro algae to the tank.

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Has happened to me many times however they've always recovered. Never figured out why.
I have the Duncan’s we got from you. at first they were fine, then they closed up, and then they started to grow more heads and took off and are doing well as a mini colony now. This is the same pattern as with my old Duncan’s pre-disaster.