Duncan tissue on stalk falling off


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Polyps pulled in about 70% 2 days ago and haven't fully extended since. Recently did a tank upgrade. Today I noticed that the tissue on the stalk (guess that is what you call it) has begun to flake/fall off. The stalk is now white-ish as opposed to light green. Polyps are still partially extending. Something pissed it off. Param's are good... I actually have another colony that was the other half of the one not doing well.. It is doing great. Last night I moved it to lower light and lower flow.

Options are...
Leave as is for a couple of days
Dip in coral rx
Frag the heads off of the flaking stalk
A combination of the 3

Anyone out there dealt with this?

Did you ever fed him? I'm not saying that's the reason you have problems with him but what I can say when I had mine all I did was to feed him like 3 times in a week and he was always good looking and fat! He even start developing little baby heads, parameters? I think I tested my water twice in 6 months lol!
I just kept up with WC 15% weekly, IO salt and had MM LEDs on that tank.
Fed him mysis shrimp, and vitamin supplement on the water like twice at week.
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jose - Yes fed him... Much like you, 2-3 times per week. I did slack off lately as I was working new build and didn't spend as much time feeding my corals... I can't say that was the issue b/c I have the other colony that is doing great

Jen - I don't think so... I had it sitting in my frag tank next to zoos. There is a torch and frog spawn frag but they were always more than 8" away.

I am having a bit of an issue with what could be cyano in my frag tank... I have been diligently scrubbing the walls and floor (barebottom). This has stirred up the water column and I am guessing could have p'd off the duncan. During this time, my other Duncan was in the DT. Both tanks are in the same system under the same type of lighting. I am wondering if the presence of a bunch of cyano floating around in the frag tank caused the issue w/ one colony and not the other.

If I had to guess... looks like the condition isn't visibly deteriorating at this point but I wouldn't say it is getting any better either. Will post pics later this morning
There is a torch and frog spawn frag but they were always more than 8" away.

Which was does the water flow between the Euphyllias and the Duncan? If it's toward the Duncan that could be your answer. They don't have to physically touch for the Euphyllias to put a whammy on a Duncan or anything else.

Here is the Duncan... I pulled it out of the tank b/c it continued to deteriorate. I am going try to frag the healthier looking heads. Some of the heads have a clear jellyish looking covering. I would be shocked of they weren't toast. You can see the good heads to the left and the ones not doing so well to the right. Also check out the white stalk I was talking about... Any ideas on what this is? Btw - the other colony still looking good.

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Impossible to tell from the picture.

You didn't answer my question about the direction of flow. If it was stung that could happen.

If dosed chemicals landed right on it, it could happen.

There's many possible things that "could happen".

Sorry Jenn... I suppose the flow from the return was pointed in the vicinity of the Duncan. I don't think the flow would have gone directly from the torch toward the Duncan. I fragged the colony and have 2 pcs in the frag tank and 2 in the DT. It will be interesting to see if any of the frags bounce back. Thanks for the input! Fingers crossed ;)

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