Duncans Not Eating.


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any advise on feeding duncans. ive tried turkey basting mysis
For an LPS not to eat is extremely weird. Are you feeding it with no pumps on? Low to no water circulation while feeding is best.
If Duncan is not eating he doesn't get desert! I'd make him stay at the table till he's finished!

Good luck getting them to eat....I have no advice on that issue, just asinine humor!:confused2:
i have a duncan, and i first fed it a piece of squid with hemostats. now i feed it a small piece of krill daily. i just very carefully touch the tentacles of the polyp with the food item. if i touch it with the hemostat it will retract and drop the food. but when it grabs on to the food, which it does by touch, just gently release the food and it will eat it.
well, if its open i dont see a problem with that. but if its closed it wont eat. where did you buy it?
got it in a tank i got. everything else has eaten. ill try to lightley feed it.maybe the turkey baster is to strong.
im ging to give it another shot in 30 minuters my lights just came on.
Mine will eat anything. Typically I feed them formula 1 pellets every few days as I want them to grow fast. I find that the pellets are easier for me to feed and they are not 95% water like some frozen foods. As such, I feel like the lps are getting more nutritional value.

It'd be nice to get some feedback though from the corals on what they prefer to eat... :)
Mine corals tell me they like small children....but seeing my contact in the under ground market went missing, my tank has been short of what it really likes. Hope this doesn't effect the color and growth.....