Dwarf Golden Moray


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Boss is bugging me like crazy to get an eel for the office tank. Being that he has been so gracious in letting me set up another office tank I figured I would at least give it some thought. Not much out there that I would even consider putting in a reef tank, but I did see one today that I might consider. Anyone have any experience with a Dwarf Golden Moray eel? Seems like they are kind of hard to get, so was curious if anyone has any input on them. Looks like their max. size they will reach in a tank environment is 10"...
I have one, model citizen. hes been in my reef for over 2 years now
They are small and peaceful with anything that wont fit in their mouth, which isnt much since they will stay under a foot.

Just make sure you have a tight lid on the tank and enjoy.
Do any of the local fish store sell them?

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I want one too. I have seen one at Creation a year ago, but was already spoken for.