DYI Chaeto Reactor


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Johns Creek
After seeing another member build a Chaeto reactor I decided I should throw one together. I picked up a used dual chamber Calcium Reactor and put the first chamber online. The dimmeable and waterproof leds are 5 to 1 and can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LL8395C">https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LL8395C</a>. Ill take pictures daily to measure the growth rate vs the Chaeto I keep in the sump. Well see if its worth the time and effort.

[IMG]http://s59.photobucket.com/user/bcavalli/media/20170319_005314.jpg.html">[IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g286/bcavalli/20170319_005314.jpg alt="" /></a>
Nice...On a side note, I have some chaeto if anyone needs some to try the above
Thanks guys. I hate having chaeto sliding through the gates in my sump when it breaks away and figured this is a better option. Im adding a volute to add air bubbles in the chamber. Well see how it does.
If you feed it off your calc reactor you will get a nice low PH with lots of CO2 that algea likes.
Davis Ill post an update picture a little later. Thats a great idea Ender. But, do you think the flow would be too low through the reactor?
You would want to add additional flow for the algea reactor along with the calc reactor feed. Or you can just get another regulator and feed CO2 directly into the reactor.

Hell most of the C02 stuff we use was originally used for freshwater planted tanks.
Great ideas. :) For now I moved the output of my calcium reactor to drip into the section where the Chaeto reactor feeds from.
Ha I was gonna say just shove the calc outlet into the intake of the algae reactor feed pump.

You are now my lab rat for deciding if I will make one too!
Lol you will need a monster reactor for your system. :) I increased the tubing size to allow more flow in and out of the chamber. I also added a volute fitting so air is driven into the reactor chamber. Im wondering now if should remove it. Its possible its counter productive. Any thoughts?
Here is an updated picture from this morning. I had to take it down for a few days and just got it back up and running yesterday.

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So I've had the reactor back up and running for about a week. The Chaeto growth rate is about 1" a day.

Here is the latest picture from last night. Sorry tough to take blue / red pictures and have them turn out half way decent.

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I find that they grow better if they have a couple short dark period in between. What is your lighting schedule like?
this is really cool brett! i was thinking about doing this with an old brs reactor i have laying around. yours might be the inspiration i need!
Thanks Brijesh. It's pretty simple to put together and puts our old equipment sitting in the garage to use.
I wanted provide an update on the growth rate I have experienced with reactor. Initally I started with about an inch or two of Chaeto and after about 5 weeks this is what I ended up with. I also wanted to note that I had to switch the mj1200 that was feeding the reactor over to manifold. This was due to a reduced rate as the reactor filled up.

I setup the reactor with an up flow design and the thickest part if the Chaeto is at the top. So I suspect that the more flow you add to the reactor will result in a faster growth rate.

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