Easy blade is...well...easy!


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And great! I just used mine I got from Greg @ Optimum Aquarium a couple weeks ago-and-well-all I can say is WOW! I had that sometimes annoying coralline growing all over my glass, and while I know coralline is great, on my display glass is a different story---in a matter of about 5 mins, I had my 135's front and side glasses completely free of coralline-oh-and without getting my hands the least bit wet. This is one of the best and most helpful tool I've used alongside the magfloat-and they clean my glass really well. Just thought I'd let all of ya'll know-
oh, and FYI, if you don't know what I'm talking about, here is a link to aquabuys' page of the easy scrape:

Yeah, I just used mine yesterday after ordering them for couple of months and store it in the drawer. It scraped all the algae I had growing in the corner. The only thing is, I hate to take it apart after every use to prevent it from rusting.
used mine yesterday and the glass is the cleanest its been in a while.
To keep it from rusting, just rinse under cool fresh water after each use. I have never taken mine apart. I just loosen it enough to get fresh water between the blade and plastic. I put it on a paper towel to pull all the moisture out and let it rest until the next use. One of the best investments I have made.
I pulled out my old Magnavore and put the easy blade on it to replace my Mag-float easy blade....wow. I wished it worked better on bow fronts though...maybe a smaller magnet?...
Everyone needs a easy blade.
Thanks! I took your advice and picked one up from Sammy at Aquabuys yesterday. Wow! I didn't believe it would work as well as it did! I used to have to spend almost an hour scrapping coraline off the front and sides of my 70G.. it literally took me just a few minutes to clean (and I had let it get pretty bad) and looks 10X better than had I used my scrapper. This thing rocks!!!!
yeah--I was thinking it would pop off, and then I'd have to fetch it off the bottom, wouldn't really work, etc.-but it's GREAT!
Rubbing alcohol will do a much better job than freshwater to prevent rusting. It will also keep the blade sharper longer, as the water causes the degradation fo the blade moreso than the scraping.