Easy Coral


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ok guys i think i have all my stuff backwards i thought that xenia was supposed to be easy but Live Aquaria says its expert only and hard to keep...............can you guys just throw out some good ideas for a begginer in the hobby looking to get into corals......

I have 8 T5's over the 80 gallon tank.

any help is appreciated!!

thanks again for all of your help.
so if xenia is easy why am i reading that the care level is difficult?


thats the link, not saying i dont believe im just confused thats all
there are different kinds of xenia and i am thinking that is the true blue xenia. palm palm or puslating xenia is easier.
ok im just having such a tough time understanding how i can keep my frogspawn doing so great and NOTHING ELSE DOES GOOD?!?!?!
well i have a mushroom that came when i bought my live rock it did great in my 29 gallon and my frogspawn did bad in there.

i set up a 12 nano and put my frog spawn in there and it has done fantastic so i bought zooas. i put the zooas in the nano and they stay retracted in there little stems the flower looking parts never come out.

ok now that mushroom from my 29 is doing really good in my 80 (i broke down the 29) so i figured the mushroom was doing good get some frags. I got hammer coral, pulsating xenia, and another diff kind of mushroom and put them all in the 80. The new mushroom shrunk up and dissapeared, the xenia shrunk up and no longer pulsates, and the hammer is still visible like i can see the green but its all shrunk up and looks like its gonna die soon.

so i moved all of the frags from my 80 except that one old lonely mushroom that was doing good.....i moved the hammer and the xenia into my 12 nano where my frogspawn are doing great and the new frags still look really really bad.

MUSHROOM FOUND!!!!!!!:yay::yay:

I found my new little orange mushroom frag!!!!.......i glued him down to an old hermit shell and wedged the old shell into my LR....well when i came back he was gone i thought he shrivled up and died.........i have now found him on a another piece of LR lower to the sandbed.

will a mushroom mount itself to the rock or do i need to try and get in there and move him to mount him??

can i leave him alone and let it do its own thing??

PS: the xenia and hammer still look pretty dead haha

here you go
yeah and i see that still says moderate.....again i completely believe you i was just confused cause i have seen a-lot of coral write ups like that one that say great beginner coral or easy care instead of moderate.......thats why i was asking yalls opinion on some of the stuff that says easy or great beginner instead of moderate......i think live aquaria has a beginner frag pack and it was some leathers and some other stuff......
They may just list it like that because some people have difficulty keeping them. It seems to be hit and miss. It will grow prolifically in some aquariums and die in others. All the corals mentioned in above posts are good for beginners.
unfortunately, they are just guides. I cannot keep one alive, even in my fuge. A lot of corals are "hit & miss". You can't go wrong with zoo's! (from what I hear, as I've never attempted them!).
haha thats in a whole diff. thread barbara......the thread is in the reef discussion i believe its titled calcium and alkalinity HIGH?!

it should be towards the top of the page u can give me some of your input in there if you have time that would be great
Candy Cane corals. It's a LPS that's unbelievably tough to kill. They thrive in dirty water preferred by leather corals and the low nutrient SPS friendly water. Overskim, underskim. Doesn't matter.

You have plenty of lights. If you kill a Candy Cane and it can't be trades to tissue necrosis, it's time to stop and take a step back to evaluate what you're doing.
barb my salinity is at 1.026.....my temp stays between 78 and 80 always right in there i have seen it as low as 77 but that was just 1 time and i have never seen it over 80.

George i woud love to try something like that candy cane do u know if anyone on the board has a frag of candy cane they would sell me?

also im going to be buying a master test kit and a calcium and alkalinity test kit this weekend and will be monitoring my own readings weekly from here on out.

but i woud love to get a candy cane in that tank and see how it does
well my tank is starting to over run with green hair algae and when i first filled the tank up i used tap water but i used that buffer starter stuff with it. I have been topping off with RODI water for about 2 months now but im sure some of the tap water is still in the tank. Also remember u gave me some pointers about 2 weeks ago and i added that other 20 lbs. of rock and about 4 fish so im thinking maybe that caused a little spike in the tank which may have had something to do with this cause i added those corals about a week after the fish and last 20 lbs. of rock. My mushrooms are doing ok in that tank now......the xenia is still bad but i've heard xenia is off and on so im gonna try some candy cane and some zooas and go from there.
but good news is i havent lost anything yet i moved the hammer coral to my nano and i think its gonna come around in there which is fine cause that tank was bare also......so im ok was just a little confused but i will see what i can get figured out.

Thanks for all your help barb!!!!!! and all of the others that have taken the time to read and post in all of my latest crazy coral threads this site truly does make this hobby a lot easier to understand and afford!!!!!!
jaydm93teg;182925 wrote: i glued him down to an old hermit shell

will a mushroom mount itself to the rock or do i need to try and get in there and move him to mount him??

can i leave him alone and let it do its own thing??

By the Way, you shouldn't glue mushrooms, they can move around. It will find a happy spot and attach itself. :)

I thought Xenia liked dirty water...if your water is really clean, they won't thrive. I have a hammer coral, plate corals, elegance corals, candy canes, etc... all do well... but not that friggin' pulsating xenia. I do run a skimmer and a uv sterilizer and I was told my water is too clean for the xenia.