Ebay Bulb Buyers....


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I am in the process of purchasing 3 250watt metal halides. Of course being the newbie that I am I want to start out buying the cheapest bulbs possible. I you know you get what you pay for but times are hard. Anyway I have looked these bulbs up on Ebay and can get 250watt bulbs 14k for $20 each. Now I was advised that on ebay a 20k looks like a 14k and a 14k looks like a 10k. Is this true? I dont not want a DARK BLUE TANK... I want a white tank with a nice touch of blue. I have added the link below.

250W-250-watt-14000K-Metal-Halide-Aquarium-Bulb-14K_W0QQitemZ350085821529QQihZ022QQcategoryZ46314QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262"><span style="color:
I know for a FACT that those bulbs are crap. It's a waste of mobney. Do yourself a favor and buy some xm's. THey will last you a long time and will provide excellent par.

The par of a 2 year old xm is greater than one of those ebay bulbs NEW!

2nd question- different brands have different colours for their bulbs. The ushio 14k is white with a hint of blue. The reeflux 12k is blue like a 20k bulb. SO, you can't tell just by the advertised spectrum.

Why don't you buy some used bulbs? I have some xm's that were only used for a few months that I'd sell you cheap. I'm sure there are others that would do the same.
Lesson #1 for the Reef Hobby (and most oother hobbies): Buy cheap, buy twice, Buy quality, buy once.


You buy three 250 watt cheapies from ebay for $75 total and shipping. You quickly become dissatisfied when you realize they are junk and after you get curious about all the quality bulbs you see everyone posting about, like XMs, Reeflux, Phoenix, etc., so you go out and buy three quality 250s for $200 and shipping. Your total: $275 and shipping.

If you had bought quality first for $200 and shipping, you would have saved yourself $75. Total: $200 and shipping.

Been there, done that.
Many of the items manufacturered in China will do what they are supposed to but they have significant problems related to quality control (or lack thereof). They may not be put together completely, have loose connections, not be the stated color temp, etc. If you are just getting one bulb, I'd say go for it as a difference in color temp won't be as noticable. With more than that, though, you're taking a gamble that all the bulbs will look the same.

BTW, XMs are manufacturered in China and have some of the same issues although not as prevalent as what I've read regarding the Ebay bulbs. Again, it's not that they don't do what they are supposed to, you just may get 2 bulbs that are marked as a 10k but look different.