EcoTech Radion XR15 Pro Gen 4 or Kessil A360X Tuna Blue?


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Hi all! Ready to upgrade the current light on my JBJ 45 gal mixed reef and am wondering which of these you believe is the better light in regards to output, setup, control, reliability and sps growth/coloration. This is a very experienced group and I’m going to rely on that to make this decision. I realize you can’t go wrong with either from what I’ve read, but I also know it’s little things that can be annoying, unexpected or confusing that you would only know from first hand experience with the product day to day.

thanks in advance, cheers
I would go with the ecotech hands down. Both are good lights i just prefer the control of the ecotech. You might also look at the AI Hydra 32 which is also a good light
I have both those lights and I would go with the 360x on your tank. The light is smaller, the mount is better and the uv spectrum is fantastic on 360x

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I don’t have the kessil. But honestly, have never been a fan of any Ecotech product, despite having Radions on all my tanks.

So while, lots of people love Radions, I would tend towards kessil for my next tank, between these brands at least.
Ecotech for sure. It is the gold standard in LED lighting for a reason. Only thing I do not like about ecotech is the online interface. I will say it sucks but if you ever plan to get an Apex it wont be as bad.
You can’t go wrong with either one.
Do you have a preference on their different looks? Would the Radion shape work better for your tank size and coral placement? It may come down to such factors as they are both great lights.
You can’t go wrong with either one.
Do you have a preference on their different looks? Would the Radion shape work better for your tank size and coral placement? It may come down to such factors as they are both great lights.
I actually like the smaller form factor of the Kessil AND the fact the LEDs are all on one panel. From what I’ve seen and read Kessil also has better UV light and broader blue light spectrum. I’m definitely leaning towards Kessil. I just know sometimes you don’t know if I product is finicky, reliable or has over complicated setup and controls until after you’ve purchased it. For me, these two light being both well regarded, it would come down to things like that. I’m big on design, easy of use and reliability. I’ve heard of some issues with EcoTech hear and there on the reliability front and customer service.
I actually like the smaller form factor of the Kessil AND the fact the LEDs are all on one panel. From what I’ve seen and read Kessil also has better UV light and broader blue light spectrum. I’m definitely leaning towards Kessil. I just know sometimes you don’t know if I product is finicky, reliable or has over complicated setup and controls until after you’ve purchased it. For me, these two light being both well regarded, it would come down to things like that. I’m big on design, easy of use and reliability. I’ve heard of some issues with EcoTech hear and there on the reliability front and customer service.
Honestly I dont think you will go wrong no matter which one you choose. They are both great lights
Thanks everyone who chimed in. I made a purchase today! Andddd... it’s the Kessil AP700! Lol

Just so happen a couple days ago I came across a guy selling it on Facebook Marketplace for $500 with the mount but he was in LaGrange. I offered $425 and he accepted! Got up this morning and drove 70mins down there and five mins before I get to his job he said he had to leave on an emergency and he left it all in the mailbox. Of course I was skeptical but tried not to get mad. Shit happens right? I pulled up to some trailer behind a gated fence with a helicopter bout to take off next to it. The guy leans out the helicopter and waves. He’s a freaking Military life flight EMT. I’m still thinking that’s the FU. Lol. I go to the mailbox and everything is in there. Meanwhile, he’s airborne. I’m like ‘I got it, now where can I plug it up to see if it works Before I get back to Atlanta’ cause it looked new, was in the box with original packing and everything. He texts me when I get down the road and apologized We didn’t get to meet and I’m like I was hoping to plug it in to make sure it works. He said he had it plugged up last night and that he wouldn’t accept my PayPal payment till I got back home and tested it out. Even offered to help guide me through setup. Got home, got it unpacked, hooked up and programmed. My tank looks amazing! I didn’t imagine there would be that much of a difference. So basically I got a barely used AP700 for the cost of a new A360x Tuna Blue and I’m a happy camper Excited to see my acropora frags grow and color enhance now.


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The AP700 is a great light and that was a great price for one. I love the shimmer. It will also grow with you if you upgrade tanks in the future. Definitely use the acclimation mode and I would keep the percentage low to start with since the spread of a 700 is pretty large. I use 50 percent approximately 10” off the water with t5’s on my 90 gallon. To achieve the same intensity with the AP700 by itself I need 65 percent, but that is lighting a 4 foot long tank.