Eels in a reef environment?


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Does anyone have one? I'm thinking about it,seems kinda cool and they are beautiful. What are the pros and cons? How sealed does the tank really need to be? What kind do you have?
barry_keith;1065023 wrote: I have kept a golden dwarf moray for severs years now. When I got the eel I also got glass lids. Eel is a model citizen. Look into the diet of eels you're interested in. Some are fish eaters and some only prefer crustaceans. Mine is kept with shrimp and some small fish.

I haven't really decided yet but I'm worried about my mandarin goby. I've had it for 5 or 6 years. How would you keep the glass tops clear from algae growth ( just clear them often)?
hzheng33;1065035 wrote: well, your glass tops shouldn't touch the water

No but I'm sure that they will get splashed. Would the glass tops block much light from getting thru
I have a snowflake moray eel in my 140 mixed reef and it is a pretty sweet addition. I don't have lids but my tank does have a canopy with a screened back. Also have a cleaner shrimp and a spotted mandarin that it doesn't bother.
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Zebra eels are sometimes kept in reefs. While shrimp and such will still be at risk, it's generally somewhat less of a risk with a Zebra. They do get pretty darned big, and there is a risk that their hiding in the rocks can cause a rockslide if your structure isn't sound.

Lids are a must for any eel in any tank - those jokers WILL jump.

I had a customer keep a Zebra eel in a 90 without any issue, for about 5 years, until it got too big, then he traded it in and we rehomed it to a larger, FO tank.
