electric bill


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i run two 250 w MH how much do these lights usully increase an electric bill because mine went up close to 120 dollaes just in one month from running these lights. ps they are magnetic ballest. also if this is the case what lighting is the most efficiant and can grow most corals?
that does not sound right at all to much money unless you never turn them off it shouldnt be that much
my bill was the same with 2-250w halides and 2-96w PC bulbs. You have to also factor in cooling. If you don't have a chiller that's working harder you have an A/C and fans that are working harder.
Whoa. I never would have thought that MH would be an extra $100+ per month. Guess it makes sense though. Definitely a huge negative. So, the first year total cost of ownership is ~$2k ($800 for the fixture w/ PC, and then $100/month).
You also have to factor in how hot it has been the last couple of months, my AC unit hardly ever cuts off during the day. During the fall/ early spring my power bill only runs 80.00/ month with 2 250 MH and 2 PC's
well, may power bill went 150.00 last month, I attribute it to the weather, and the cost of electricity goes up in the summer months......
psh... My bill was $320 last month and I keep the AC off during the day!
800w of metal halide and a big chiller
3400 sq ft house (2 stories) 2 heat pumps(A/C), pool, shop, family members who understand on switches, but don't understand the off function for lights, 175 MH w/130 PC's= $403 electric bill.
i run the light 10 hr a day i have no sup. lighting. whats the least you could run your lights with out hurting your corals. the only sps i have is a orange monti.
Switch all the other lights in your home to energy eff. PCs, shut off your computer at night or make it go into sleep mode, and you can solve atleast half your problem.
reef1973;64987 wrote: Yeah this hobby is a money pit. My electric bill was averaging $250.00 per month before reefkeeping. Now it's averaging $550.00 per months. Yike!!! Who wants to buy my tank?

Well Rit...if you didn't try to recreate the sun on the 265GAL tank then your power bill might be a little less!!!!
Let's see, lemme look at my Georgia Power bill....

Hmmm, $390.69, 3368 kWh used, average of 11.6 cents per kWh....

So, $120 extra dollars = 1034 extra kWh, which equals 34.46 kWh extra per day, which equals an extra 1436 watts every hour 24 hours a day.

I don't think it's your tank, I think it's been **** hot lately :roll:
I changed a ton of my house lighting over to the pc bulbs, and that has made a HUGE difference! I also keep the blinds shut to keep out as much of the sun as possible. My electric bill in the summer months is usually around $250-275, and thats with a 750g system!
Hell mine was $595 last month.....but I like to keep the house at 73ish
But it is what it is....the hobby is not for the weak or the faint of heart when the bills arrive.
Mine has been right around $300 with 780watts of light and a 1/2hp chiller. 90gal tank with a 75gal sump in the garage. Im suprised at how cheap it is!

Since someone brought up those energy efficient bulbs... Is it just me or are those things horrible? Id rather replace all of my 60watt bulbs with MHs and pay the bill than I would have one of the engery eff. bulbs in my closet. Ive tried the new different colored bulbs and they still look weird, and they have a flicker to them.