Electrical Backup


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I have a 55 g reef tank and a 55 g refugium and all of the accessories. I am worried about a power failure and have two questions.
1. How long can my system survive with out power?
2. What is recommended for a power backup system?
Since I am new to reef tank systems, I sure would like to hear from the experienced.
For a cheap, but manual backup, you can buy a bettery operated air pump. I'd reccomend this no matter what you end up with.

You can get a ups system to runn a small powerhead (make sure you get one with a true sine wave). The powerhead will keep the water oxgenated to keep everything alive.

You can get a tunze or a vortech pump with a battery backup. This is nice since you will always make use of the pump (and they're really nice pumps).

Lastly, you have a backup generator. This is the most expensive, but can run for longer or run more things.
I picked up a decent little 1200w generator on craigslist last year for like 30 bucks. I hope I never have to use it.

If we have a power outage all our food will spoil and we will be living by candle light...but da fishys will be comfy:thumbs:

Do some looking around, there are probably some deals out there.